Sunday, 16 April 2023

Biographical Dictionary: Good Seed, Fertile Soil Volume 1















First published by Iverus Publications Mardyke House

Cork T12 W8RP, Ireland


Copyright: John M Feheney, 2016 ISBN 978-0-9553120-7-6


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Front cover photo by William J O’Keeffe of cloister, Franciscan Friary, Askeaton, Co. Limerick

Front cover design by John J O’Connor


Printed by The Book Producers Ltd




Books by the same author



Pastoral Care Workbooks: Junior & Senior Cycles (Dublin: Folens, 1994)

Edmund Rice 150th Anniversary Yearbook (1995) Education and the Family (Dublin: Veritas, 1995) A Time of Grace (Dublin: Veritas, 1996)

From Ideal to Action (Dublin: Vertitas, 1998)

Beyond the Race for Points (Dublin: Veritas, 1999)

Gentlemen of the Presentation (Dublin: Veritas, 1999)

Catholic Education in Trinidad in the 19th Century (Dublin: Four Courts, 2001)

Catholic Education in Trindad & Tobago in the 20th Century (Cork: Iverus, 2010)


Local and Family History

The Ranahans of Iverus (Cork: Iverus, 1987)

The O’Shaughnessys of Munster (Cork: Iverus, 1996) Ballysteen: The People and the Place (Cork: Iverus, 1998) The Naughtons of Ballycanana (Cork: Iverus, 2006)

Askeaton-Ballysteen Biographical Dictionary (Cork: Iverus, 2007)

Adare and Barony of Kenry Biographical Dictionary (Cork: Iverus, 2010)

Stonehall Harriers Centenary Record (Cork: Iverus, 2011) Drinking from Different Fountains, A Memoir (2013, online) Biographical Dictionary of Lower Connello (2013, online) Presentation Brothers: Concise Biographies (Cork: Iverus, 2013)


Books by the same author........................................................... IV

Congregational Initials................................................................. VI

Introduction............................................................................... VII

Biographies (A - Z)........................................................................ 1

References................................................................................ 321


Congregational Initials

C&P: Sisters of Cross and Passion CCVI: Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word

CFC: Christian Brothers

CFX: Congregation of St Francis Xavier

CHF: Congregation of the Holy Faith CPAW: Congregation of Perpetual Adoration Wexford

CRL: Canonesses of St Augustine CRSA: Canons Regular of St Augustine CSC: Congregation of the Holy Cross CSJP: Congregations of St Joseph of Peace

CSN: Congregation of Sisters of Nazareth

CSSp: Spiritan Congregation CSsR: Redemptorists

DC: Daughters of Charity

DMJ: Daughters of Mary and Jesus FC: Daughters of the Cross

FCJ: Faithful Companions of Jesus FMA: Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco FMSA: Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa

FPM: Presentation Brothers FSC: De La Salle Brothers

HFB: Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux

IBVM: Institute of Blessed Virgin Mary

LCM: Little Company of Mary LSA: Little Sisters of the Assumption LSP: Little Sisters of the Poor

LSU: Sisters of La Sainte Union MHM: Mill Hill Missionaries MMM: Medical Missionaries of Mary

MSC: Missionaries of the Sacred Heart MSHR: Missionary Sisters of Holy Rosary

OCDS: Order of Secular Discalced Carmelites

ODC: Order of Discalced Carmelites OFM Cap: Capuchin Order

OFM: Order of Friars Minor


OLA: Our Lady of the Apostles OMI: Oblates of Mary Immaculate OP: Order of Preachers

OSA: Order of St Augustine OSB: Order of St Benedict OSC: Order of Poor Clare

OSCO: Order of Cistercians of Strict Observance

OSF: Order of St Francis OSU: Order of St Ursula PBVM: Presentation Sisters RBS: Religious of Bon Secours

RGS: Religious of Good Shepherd RSC: Religious Sisters of Charity RSM: Sisters of Mercy

SAC: Society of Catholic Apostolate (Pallottines)

SCJM: Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary

SCL: Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth SCSP: Sisters of Charity of St Paul SDB: Salesians of Don BoscoSHCJ: Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus

SHSp: Sisters of Holy Spirit SIJ: Sisters of Infant Jesus SJ: Society of Jesus

SJA: Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparitions

SJC: Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny SMA: Society of African Missions SMG: Servants of Mother of God SMMP: Sisters of St Mary Magdalen Postel

SOSJ: Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart

SPS: St Patrick’s Society (Kiltegan) SSC: Society of St Columban SSHJM: Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary

SSL: Sisters of St Louis

SSS: Congregation of Blessed Sacrament

Abbreviation: qv= quod vide (loosely translated as ‘which can be seen in this volume)




This book embodies the research of several years. Concentrating on the 24 parishes in West Limerick, it is the first volume of what I hope will be a two-volume work on religious vocations in the diocese of Limerick. In keeping with current data protection requirements, only deceased persons are included.

The work might best be regarded as a source book. Though there have been a handful of books devoted to religious vocations from a particular parish or from a small group of parishes, and there has also been a book devoted to the priests serving the archdiocese of Dublin (see Gaughan in References), I have not hitherto come across a work aiming to list all Catholic male and female religious personnel native to a particular diocese. The reader may be surprised at the sheer number of religious vocations from this diocese. This is not to say that the numbers from other dioceses would not be comparable. Seventy religious congregations and more than fifty dioceses drew candidates from west Limerick and I have reason to believe that this number will be exceeded when I have completed my study of the rest of the diocese. I suspect that future sociologists will regard the abundance of religious vocations during the period 1850-1950 as a social and religious phenomenon. Moreover, I anticipate that theses and dissertations will be completed by future scholars seeking to explain this phenomenon. It may even happen that this dictionary will form the starting point for some of this research.

While this is a historical study and avoids discussing religious vocations in the contemporary Church, it does attempt to pay belated tribute to the memory of Brothers, priests and nuns, some of whom are virtually forgotten not only in their own parishes but, at times, by members of their own extended families. Many of these priests and religious were exemplars courage, unselfishness and altruism. However, the memory of outstanding achievements tends to fade over time and even the great contemporary detective, Google, will fail to discover those heroes who never got into print.

I do not claim to have included every deceased religious or member of

the clergy from west Limerick, though that was my aim. Perforce, I have had to exclude some names for various reasons, including lack of reliable and precise information from relatives and failure of dioceses and religious congregations to respond to my requests for detailed information. However, there are almost 1,000 entries in this volume and I have given the source of the information for each entry. This, being a dictionary, the entries are necessarily brief and much more could obviously be written about most of the people listed. Not a few good stories have had to be omitted because of lack of space. However, those, including relatives, wishing to obtain further information on any person listed may follow up the sources I include in my references. Since photographs of all those listed were not available, they have been omitted altogether. The diocese to which each priest belonged is listed after his name and, where religious are involved, both the name of his/her congregation and its initials are given. A list of initials of different religious congregations, in alphabetical order, is also provided at the beginning of the book.

I am extremely grateful to the archivists of religious congregations and dioceses who responded to my requests for information. I am full of admiration for the work they do, much of which is appreciated by only a few researchers today but, hopefully, by many in the future. I must confess that not a few of my days were brightened over recent years when I found information that was otherwise unobtainable, on opening my electronic mail ‘inbox’ early in the morning. Moreover, some archivists seemed to get pleasure from providing information about some long-dead colleague or pastor.

In the course of my research, I was fortunate to have numerous helpers throughout the diocese. I am extremely grateful to them and I have listed their names, together with my sources, in the references section. I am grateful to William J O’Keeffe for the photograph of the cloister in the Franciscan Friary, Askeaton, which John O’Connor has skilfully used in designing the front cover. I thank the Presentation Brothers for facilitating my research and The Book Producers Ltd for printing the book.

John M Feheney Cork, 2016

Biographies (A - Z)


Ahern, Br Timothy (1900-89) OMI

Timothy Ahern, son of James and Bridget Ahern, was born in Ahawilk, Feohanagh, Co. Limerick, on 3 January 1900. He entered the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) at Cahermoyle, Ardagh, Co. Limerick, on 16 February 1924. On completion of his novitiate, he made profession of vows on 17 February 1925. He then worked in childcare in Daingean and in Glencree, Co. Wicklow. In 1966, he moved into semi-retirement at the Oblate Juniorate in Belcamp Hall, Raheny, Dublin 6. He died there on 15 December 1989 and was interred in the Oblate cemetery, Inchicore, Dublin

8. He was a brother of Br Aidan Ahern FSC (qv). (OMI, 11/8/2014)

Ahern, Br William Oswald (1897-1969) FSC

William Ahern, son of James and Bridget Ahern, was born in Ahawilk, Feohanagh, Co. Limerick, on 14 January 1897. He entered the De La Salle Juniorate, Castletown, Co. Leix, on 1 August 1916. When receiving the religious habit, he also received a new religious name, Brother Oswald. On completion of his novitiate, he made profession of vows. He then qualified as a National Teacher and obtained a degree, after which he taught in Glenstal, Clonmel and Castletown. He died on 10 September 1969 and was buried in the FSC cemetery, Castletown, Co. Laois. He was a brother of Br Timothy Ahern OMI (qv) (FSC, 17/11/14)

Aherne, Br Denis Baptist (1896-1979) FPM

Denis Aherne, son of Denis Aherne and Margaret Moncton, was born in Ballingarry, Co. Limerick, and baptised on 25 January 1896. He joined the Presentation Brothers, Cork, in 1916. He received the habit of the Presentation Brothers, together with a new name, Brother Baptist, on 2 August 1913. On completion of his novitiate, he made his religious profession on 27 April 1916. He qualified as a National teacher and taught in Presentation schools in Cork, Boyle and Letterkenny. He also held the positions of superior and principal in several communities. Following an accident, he spent his last years in Mount Desert Nursing Home, Cork, where he died on 15 July 1979, at the age of 83 years. He was interred in the cemetery attached to Mount St Joseph, Cork. (Feheney, 2013, 3)

Aherne, Sr Bridie Clarissa (1913-74) CCVI

Bridie Aherne was born in Carrigkerry, Co. Limerick, on 26 November 1913. She entered the congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word (CCVI) at Carrigoran, Co. Clare. When she received the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Clarissa. She moved to the USA to complete her training. She studied pharmacology and qualified as a pharmacist in a hospital San Berardino, CA. She died in San Bernardino, on 15 October 1974, and was buried in the public cemetery there. (TA, 125, 55)

Ambrose, Rev Robert (1851-1926) Limerick

Robert Ambrose was born in Dunganville, Ardagh, Co. Limerick, in 1851. Together with his older brother, Stephen, he was involved in the attack on the Royal Irish Constabulary barracks in Ardagh during the Fenian Rising on 6 March 1867. Subsequently, Robert completed his seminary training at Maynooth and was ordained priest at St John’s Cathedral, Limerick, on 22 August 1880. He was appointed curate, successively, at Manister (18801881), Ballyagran (18811883), St Patrick’s, St John’s (18831886), ArdaghCarrickerry (18861891), Knockaderry (18911896),

Athea (18961898), Bruff (18981900), Abbeyfeale (190004), Glenroe (19041906). His appointment to ArdaghCarrickerry brought him to national prominence, when he used the Land League to organise the tenants of Glensharrold to protest about the ‘rack rents’ being charged by the local landlord, John Christopher Delmege. In 1906, he was appointed Parish Priest of Glenroe, where he remained for the remainder of his active ministry. He died, following an accident, at St John’s Hospital, Limerick, on 8 April 1926, and was interred in Glenroe church grounds (Feheney, 1998, 13032; Tobin, 2004, 2).

Ambrose, Sr Margaret Virgilius (1913-2003) SHSp

Margaret Ambrose, daughter of Thomas Ambrose and his wife, Elizabeth Hough, was born in Dunganville, Ardagh, Co. Limerick, on 7 April 1913. She entered the Sisters of the Holy Spirit and Mary Immaculate (SHSp) at San Antonio, Texas, on 17 February 1932. When receiving the religious habit on 24 August 1932, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary Virgilius. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 26 August 1933. She qualified as a teacher and taught in SHSp schools

in Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi. In her later years, she qualified as a librarian and continued her ministry in education. She died in hospital in Brownsville, TX, on 24 January 2003 and was buried in the SHSp cemetery in San Antonio, Texas, USA. (SHSp, MC, 9.1.15)

Barnwell, Sr Margaret St Paul (1889-1935) SIJ

Margaret Barnwell, daughter of John Barnwell and Johanna Downey, was born in Ballysteen, Co. Limerick, on 6 November 1889. She entered the Sisters of the Infant Jesus (SIJ), Drishane, receiving the habit on 15 August 1913, and taking as her religious name, Sister St Paul. She made her first profession in Drishane on 15 August 1915, and her final profession five years later on 25 September, 1920. In 1920 she was sent to Madrid, from where she proceeded to the Far East mission in Penang, Malaysia, in 1921. Subsequently, she served in Malacca, Malaysia, where she died on 26 May 1935. She is buried in Malacca. (IJ, 2009)

Barnwell, Sr Mary Thomas (1878-1959) SJOG

Mary Barnwell, daughter of John Barnwell and his wife, Johanna Downey, was born in Ballysteen, Co. Limerick, on 1 January 1878. She joined the Sisters of St John of God (SJOG) at Perth, Western Australia, on 1 May 1911. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious names, Sister Thomas. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She spent all her life in Australia, working in the caring profession. She died in Perth, WA, on 16 July 1959 and was buried in that city. She was a sister of Sr Margaret St Paul Barnwell (qv). (INSCCA 1838-1918)

Barrett, Br James Matthew (1881-1952) FPM

James Barrett, son of John Barrett and his wife, Mary Flynn, was born in Knocknasna, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 12 January 1881. He attended Knocknasna National School, before entering the Presentation Brothers, Mount St Joseph, Cork, in 1898. He received the habit, together with a new name, Brother Matthew, on 7 November 1898. On completion of his novitiate, he made his religious profession on 20 April 1901. He served in Cobh, where he remained until his transfer to Dartford on 13 April 1904. After Dartford, he went to St Joseph’s Orphanage, Orpington, where he was appointed bursar and farm manager. He spent his later years at Strawberry Hill, Twickenham, where he died suddenly on 15 November

1952, at the age of 71 years. He was interred in the cemetery attached to St Joseph’s Orphanage, Orpington, Kent, UK. He was a brother of Br Patrick Luke Barrett (qv). (Feheney, 2013, 7-8)

Barrett, Br Patrick Luke (1898-1919) FPM

Patrick Barrett, son of John Barrett and his wife, Mary Flynn, was born in Knocknasna, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 30 August 1898, and baptised in the parish church, Abbeyfeale, two days later. He attended Knocknasna National School before entering the Presentation Brothers, Mount St Joseph, Cork, on 14 December 1914. On receiving the religious habit on 2 August 1915, he also received the religious name of Brother Luke. Early in February 1919, he caught the Great ‘Flu, from which he died on 15 February 1919, at the age of 20 years. Some twenty million people died of the Great or ‘Spanish’ ‘Flu of 1918-1919. This ‘flu brought with it a virulent strain of pneumonia, which few of its victims survived. The ‘Spanish’ ‘flu was the most severe pandemic ever to strike the human race, killing more people in one year than the Black Death did in four years (1347-1351). He was interred in the cemetery attached to Mount St Joseph, Blarney Street, Cork. He was a brother of Br James Matthew Barrett (qv). ((Feheney, 2013, 8)

Barry, Sr Brigid Emilian (1899-1991) HFB

Brigid Barry, daughter of Patrick Barry and his wife, Mary Sheehy, was born in Inniskeen, Feohanagh, Co. Limerick, on 3 February 1899. She joined the Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux (HFB) at Rock Ferry, Merseyside, UK. She received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Sister Emilian, on 9 January 1919. One year later, she made profession of vows and then sailed for Joannesburg, South Africa. She was engaged in teaching and worked in several cities in South Africa, including Durban, Kimberley, Orlando East Soweto, Bloemfontein and Pietermaritzburg. She died on 20 July 1991 and her remains were interred in Mountain Rise Cemetery, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. (Fthttb, 175)

Begley, Rev Cornelius Francis (1843-1912) OFM

Cornelius Begley, son of Denis and Johanna Begley, was born in Camus, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, in 1843. In 1866, he joined the Franciscan Friars (OFM). When receiving the religious habit, he also received a new name,

Brother Francis. He completed his ecclesiastical studies at St Isidore’s College, Rome, where he was ordained priest in 1871. After ordination, he ministered in Waterford, Drogheda and Cork. He held the post of Guardian several times and was elected Definitor in 1888. He died in Waterford in 1912 and was interred in Ballygunner cemetery. He was a brother of Rev John Begley OFM (qv) and Rev Denis Begley OFM (qv). (OFM, Killiney, 2014)

Begley, Rev Denis Peter (1859-1939) OFM

Denis Begley, son of Denis and Johanna Begley, was born in Camas, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, in 1859. He entered the Franciscan Order (OFM) in Ennis, Co. Clare, in 1881. When receiving the religious habit, he chose to be known by the name Peter. He completed his clerical studies at St Isidore’s College, Rome, where he was ordained priest in 1887. He then became a lecturer in the Seraphic College, Capranica, Rome, in 1888. He also became a prominent member of the Franciscan reform movement. He held several important appointments including Irish Provincial (1899) and Guardian (several times). In 1912, he was appointed a General Definitor by Pope Pius X. He returned to Ireland in 1915 and was again appointed Guardian several times. He died Iin 1939 at Multifarnham, Co. Meath, where he was also interred. He was a brother of Rev John Begley OFM (qv) and Rev Cornelius Begley OFM (qv) (OFM, Killiney, 2014)

Begley, Rev John (1861-1941) Limerick

John Begley was born in the parish of Monagea, Co. Limerick, and baptised in his local parish church on 1 August 1861. He attended St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, where he was ordained priest on 24 June 1888. Following ordination, he was sent on loan to the diocese of Argyll and the Isles in Scotland. On his return to Ireland, he was curate, successively, in: Coolcappa (1891-1893); Tournafulla (1893-1898) and St Munchin’s (1898-1915). On 14 May 1915, he was appointed Parish Priest of Cappagh (1915-1917), after which he was Parish Priest of Dromcolliher/ Broadford (1917-1927), Kilmallock (1927-1932) and Bruff (1932-1941). He held the following ecclesiastical appointments: Canon (1915); Vicar Forane (1927); Archdeacon (1932); Vicar General (1937). He published three volumes of The History of the Diocese of Limerick. He died on 10 June 1941, aged 79, and was buried in the church grounds, Bruff. (Tobin, 2004, 3)

Begley, Rev John Leonard (1856-1926) OFM

John Begley, son of Denis and Johanna Begley, was born in Camas, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, in 1856. He entered the Franciscan Order (OFM) in Ennis, Co. Clare, in 1880, taking Leonard as his religious name. He completed his religious and clerical studies at St Isidore’s College in Rome and was ordained priest in 1887. He was then appointed Guardian at the Seraphic College, Capranica, Rome. He returned to Ennis in 1888, but was sent to Australia as commissary Provincial in 1902. In Australia, he built a new friary and church in Waverley, NSW. He returned to Ireland in 1914 and ministered in Waterford and Dublin, before becoming vicar in Limerick. He died in Limerick on 17 October 1926, and was buried in the Franciscan burial plot in Mount St Lawrence cemetery, Limerick. He was a brother of Rev Denis Begley OFM (qv) and Rev Cornelius Begley OFM (qv) (OFM, Killiney, 2014)

Begley, Sr Mary of the Angels (1912-2007) PBVM

Mary Begley was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, in 1912. She joined the Presentation Sisters (PBVM) in Thurles, Co. Tipperary. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary of the Angels. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She qualified as a teacher and taught for most of her life in the school attached to Presentation Convent, Thurles. She died there on 10 January 2007. (PBVM, BOL)

Bennett, Rev Martin (1919-2005) Southwark

Martin Bennett, son of John Bennett and his wife, Mary Chawke, was born in Graigacurra, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick, on 13 December 1919. He was ordained priest at Wonersh Seminary for the archdiocese of Southwark on 15 June 1946. He served as curate in Coulsdon (1946-1951) and at St Mary Magdalen, Brighton (1951-1963). He was appointed Parish Priest of Holy Ghost Parish, Balham, London, in May 1963, and spent the next 35 years in that post. He retired to St Mary’s, Westbrook, Worthing, in 1996. He was a great promoter of the cause of Blessed Oliver Plunkett. Shortly before his death, he was admitted to Worthing General Hospital, where he died on 21 May 2005. (RCA Southwark, 33/4/14)

Bennett, Sr Anne Kieran (1923-93) LSU

Anne Bennett, daughter of John Bennett and Mary Chawke, was born in Graigacurra, Granagh, Co. Limerick, on 25 January 1923. She joined the La Sainte Union Sisters (LSU) on 8 September 1942. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary Kieran. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 28 July 1944. She qualified as a teacher in 1946 at LSU Southampton and subsequently obtained a BA (1975) and HDE (1976). She spent all her active life teaching in England (Eirth, and Bath) and Ireland (Athlone and Banagher). She was superior in the LSU community in Athlone. She spent her last days at Mont Visa Nursing Home, Athlone, where she died on 2 February 1993. She was buried in the cemetery attached to Our Lady’s Bower Convent, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. She was a sister of Sr Mary Ailbe Bennett (qv). (LSU, 23/9/14)

Bennett, Sr Bridget Delphine (1868-1915) CSC

Bridget Teresa Bennett, daughter of John Bennett and his wife, Catherine Naughton, was born in Ballinahaha, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick, on 11 July 1868. She entered the Sisters of the Holy Cross (CSC) at St Mary’s, Notre Dame, IN, on 16 February 1895. On 13 July 1895, she received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Sister Delphine. She made her final profession of vows on 15 August 1900. She qualified as a teacher and taught for 19 years at Holy Rosary Academy, Woodland, CA. Her last year was spent as a patient at St Mary’s Convent, Notre Dame, IN, where she died on 28 August 1915. She was interred at Our Lady of Peace Cemetery, St Mary’s, Notre Dame, IN, USA (CSC, JF, 23/3/16)

Bennett, Sr Mary Ailbe (1918-2006) LSU

Anne Bennett, daughter of John Bennet and Mary Chawke, was born in Graigacurra, Granagh, Co. Limerick, on 23 May 1918. She joined the La Sainte Union Sisters (LSU) on 8 September 1936. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary Ailbe. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 19 March 1938. She qualified as a teacher at LSU College, Southampton, and spent many years teaching in Ireland (Killashee and Banagher); Madrid and England (Erith, Cheltenham and Grays). She was superior in several houses. On her retirement from school, she devoted herself to pastoral care in Colwyn

Bay. She died at Grays on 7 July 2006 and was buried in Chadwell St Mary’s, Grays, Essex. She was a sister of Sr Anne Kieran Bennett (qv). (LSU, 23/8/14)

Bennis, Rev James (1902-84) Fresno

James Bennis was born in Feenagh, Co. Limerick, on 9 January 1902. He entered St John’s Seminary, Waterford, where he was ordained priest for the diocese of Monterey-Fresno on 16 June 1929. In the diocese of Monterey-Fresno, he served as assistant priest in Bakersfield and San Luis Obispo. He was then appointed Pastor of Dos Palos and administrator of Lemoore. In 1945, he was appointed Pastor at Riverdale CA. In 1956, he was appointed Papal Chamberlain and in 1959 Domestic Prelate with the title, Monsignor. He celebrated his Golden Jubilee on 16 June 1979. He died at Fresno, CA, on 3 June 1984, and was buried in that city. (Feenagh SVPr, 2014)

Benson, Sr Mary Margaret (1879-1963) RSM

Mary Benson, daughter of James Benson and his wife, Bridget Cahill, was born in Adare, Co. Limerick, on 10 December 1879. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Elgin, Scotland, on 1 April 1909. When receiving the religious habit on 7 January 1910, she also received a new religious name, Sister Margaret Mary. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 11 April 1912. She worked in Scotland and England and died in Barnsley, S. Yorks., on 28 November, 1963. She was buried in Tomintoul Cemetery, Barnsley, S. Yorks., UK. (RSM UK, JS 4/3/15)

Blackwell, Sr Ellen Josephine (1859-1937) RSM

Ellen Blackwell, daughter of Henry Blackwell and his wife, Mary Sheehy, was born in Greenish Island and baptised at St Mary’s Church, Askeaton, Co. Limerick, on 8 February 1859. She entered the Convent of Mercy, Abbeyfeale, on 7 September 1888. She received the habit on 4 March 1889, taking the name of Sister Josephine. She was professed on 19 March 1891. She held the posts of bursar (1899-20) and sacristan (1920-37) in the convent. She died on 16 March 1937, and is buried in the convent grounds, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. (RSM SC, AB 2010)

Bourchier-Hayes, Sr Alice (1862-1941) IBVM

Alice Bourchier-Hayes, daughter of Dr Thomas Hayes and his wife, Mary Elizabeth Bourchier, was born in Shanagolden, Co. Limerick, on 26 July, 1862. Four years later, her family moved to Rathkeale, when her father was appointed medical officer at the Workhouse in Rathkeale and Dispensary Doctor in the town. She attended a boarding school in England conducted by the Society of the Sacred Heart at Roehampton, London, after which she entered the Loreto Congregation (IBVM), beginning her novitiate at Loreto Abbey, Rathfarnham, Dublin, on 20 October, 1885. On completion of her novitiate, she made her religious profession on 15 May, 1888. She was then transferred to Loreto Convent, Wexford, where she began teaching. She continued teaching until her retirement. She died at Loreto Convent, Wexford, on 13 January 1941, and was buried in the cemetery attached to the convent. (Carnduff, 2011)

Bourchier-Hayes, Sr Geraldine Pia (1902-82) CRL

Geraldine Bourchier-Hayes, daughter of Dr John Bourchier-Hayes and his wife, Alice Bourchier, was born in Rathkeale, Co. Limerick, on 14 February, 1902. She entered the Canonesses of St Augustine (CRL) in the English Convent, Bruges, Belgium, on 28 October, 1927. She received the religious habit, together with a new name, Sister Mary Pia, on 24 October 1928. On completion of her novitiate, she made her religious profession on 25 January 1930. She qualified as a teacher and taught in the convent school in Bruges. When the German army invaded Belgium in 1940, she was evacuated to England and settled in the Augustinian Priory at Hayward’s Heath, West Sussex, where she continued teaching. At the end of World War II, she went to her former convent in Bruges for a further three years, returning to Hayward’s Heath in September, 1948. She spent the rest of her life in the convent in Hayward’s Heath and died there on 13 September 1982. She was buried in the Augustinian community cemetery in Sayer’s Common, West Sussex, England. (Carnduff, 2011)

Bourke, Rev Patrick (1873-99) Port Elizabeth

Patrick Bourke was born in Rathkeale and baptised in his local parish church on 24 March 1873. He studied for the priesthood and was ordained at St John’s Cathedral, Limerick, on 11 July 1897. After ordination, he was granted permission by Bishop O’Dwyer to go to South Africa for health

reasons and he ministered in Port Elizabeth for two years (1897-1899). His health continued to decline, however, and he died in Port Elizabeth in 1899, aged 26 years. He was buried in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. (Tobin, 2004, 4)

Bowen, Sr Helena Barbara (1935-1984) RSM

Helena Bowen, daughter of Daniel Bowen and his wife, Mary Anne Lenihan, was born in Caherhennessy, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick, in 1935. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) in Neenagh, Co. Tipperary, on 2 February 1955. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary Barbara. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 24 August 1960. Three years later, she made her final profession. She lived and ministered for most of her life at the Convent of Mercy, Birr, where she died on 17 August 1984. She was buried in the cemetery attached to the Convent of Mercy, Birr, Co. Offaly. (RSM SC, AB 2014)

Boyce, Rev William (c1898-1953) Limerick

William Boyce was born in Dromcolliher, Co. Limerick, about 1898. He was ordained priest in Rome on 19 May 1923. After ordination, he spent four years on loan to the archdiocese of Edinburgh, Scotland. On his return to the diocese of Limerick, he served as curate, successively, in Colmanswell (1927-1930) and Knockaderry (1930-1948). In 1948, he was appointed Parish Priest of Cappagh, where he served until his death on 31 August 1953. (LDA, 26/2/16)

Breen, Rev John (1857-1941) Limerick

John Breen was born in Ardagh, Co. Limerick, and baptised in his local parish church on 4 January 1857. In 1879, he entered St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth. He was ordained priest in St John’s Cathedral, Limerick, on 5 July 1885. Following his ordination, he served as curate, successively, in Athea (1887-1896) and Bruree (1896-1902). In 1902, he was appointed Administrator in Bruree. After a year, he was appointed Parish Priest in Dromin/ Athlacca. In 1910, he was transferred as Parish Priest to Templeglantine. In 1940, he was transferred to Bruree as Parish Priest and he continued in this post until his death on 10 January 1941, at

the age of 84 years. He was appointed a Canon of the Cathedral Chapter in May 1925. He was interred in the church grounds, Bruree, Co. Limerick. (Tobin, 2004, 4-5)

Breen, Rev Michael (1907-79) Limerick

Michael Breen, son of John Breen and his wife, Mary Anne Flanagan, was born in Ballintubber, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 1 December 1907. He entered St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, where he was ordained priest on 5 June 1932. After studying for his HDE and spending a year as curate in Ardpatrick, he was appointed teacher at St Munchin’s College in September 1934. In January 1959, he was appointed President of St Munchin’s College. Five years later, in January 1964, he was appointed Parish Priest and Vicar Forane of St Munchin’s parish. He died suddenly on 24 November 1979, and was buried in the grounds of St Munchin’s church. He was appointed a Canon of the Limerick Cathedral Chapter in 1962. (JM, 2015)

Breen, Sr Brenda Emmanuel (1909-89) SSHJM

Brenda Breen, daughter of Patrick Breen and his wife, Mary Hough, was born in Raheenagh, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 27 January 1909. She entered the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (SSHJM) at Chigwell, Woodford Bridge, Essex, on 2 August 1928. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary Emmanuel. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 2 February 1929. She specialised in caring and occupational skills. Her appointments included: Chigwell, Essex; Bessboro, Cork; Dagenham, Essex; Sudbury, Suffolk and Marian House, Hillingdon, Middlesex, where she died on 23 December 1989. She was buried in England. She was a sister of Sr Lena Breen (qv). (JM, 2015)

Breen, Sr Helena Kevin (1907-67) RGS

Helena (Lena) Breen, daughter of Patrick Breen and his wife, Mary Hough, was born in Raheenagh, Killeedy Co. Limerick, on 3 December 1907. She entered the Good Shepherd Sisters (RGS) in Limerick on 26 July 1925. She received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Sister Kevin, on 7 July 1926. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 7 July 1928. She was then assigned to Belfast where she served until 1935, when she was sent to the Good Shepherd Convent, Waterford.

She died in Waterford on 28 October 1967. She was buried in the cemetery attached to the Good Shepherd Convent, Waterford. She was a sister of Sr Brenda Breen (qv) (JM, 2015)

Broderick, Sr Catherine Patrick (1854-1931) RSM

Catherine Broderick, daughter of William Broderick and his wife, Mary Egan, was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, in May 1854. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Killarney, Co. Kerry, on 15 September 1875. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Patrick. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 25 April 1878. She taught in the Convent of Mercy school, Killarney, for many years. She died in Killarney on 5 January 1931 and was interred in Holy Cross Cemetery, Killarney, Co. Kerry. She was a sister of Srs Elizabeth Joseph Broderick (qv), Mary Cecilia Broderick (qv) and Margaret Benignus Broderick (qv). (RSM S, DL 8/5/16)

Broderick, Sr Catherine Teresa (1870-1919) RSM

Catherine Broderick, daughter of Daniel and Honora Broderick, was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 17 January 1870. She joined the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) in Abbeyfeale on 23 September 1891. When receiving the religious habit on 26 March 1892, she also received a new religious name, Sister Teresa. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 14 April 1894. She spent the remainder of her life in Abbeyfeale, dying there on 13 December 1919. She was interred in the cemetery attached to the Convent of Mercy, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. (RSM SC, AB, 14/4/16)

Broderick, Sr Elizabeth Joseph (1856-1882) RSM

Elizabeth Broderick, daughter of William Broderick and his wife, and Mary Egan, was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 25 June 1856. She joined the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 15 September 1875. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary Joseph. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in Abbeyfeale on 2 October 1878. She taught in the Mercy convent, Abbeyfeale, but died on 8 September 1882, aged 26 years. She was buried in the cemetery attached to the Mercy convent,

Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. She was a sister of Srs Mary Cecilia Broderick (qv), Catherine Patrick Broderick (qv) and Margaret Benignus Broderick (qv). (RSM S, DL 8/5/16)

Broderick, Sr Margaret Benignus (1859-) RSM

Margaret Broderick, daughter of William Broderick and his wife, Mary Egan, was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 3 December 1859. She entered the Convent of Mercy (RSM) at Killarney, Co. Kerry, on 8 December 1881. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Benignus. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She was then transferred to the Convent of Mercy, Abbeyfeale, where she began to teach in the school. She was a sister of Srs Elizabeth Joseph Broderick (qv), Catherine Patrick Broderick (qv) and Mary Cecilia Broderick (qv). There is no record to date of her death. (RSM S, DL 8/5/16)

Broderick, Sr Mary Cecilia (1855-1935) RSM

Mary Broderick, daughter of William Broderick and his wife, Mary Egan, was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 25 December 1855. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at the Convent of Mercy, Balloonagh, Tralee, Co. Kerry, on 2 February 1873. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Cecilia. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 14 September 1875. Apart from two years, which she spent in the Convent of Mercy, Swinford, Co. Mayo, she spent the remainder of her life in the Convent of Mercy, Tralee. She died there on 31 May 1935 and was interred in the cemetery attached to the convent in Balloonagh, Tralee, Co. Kerry. She was a sister of Srs Elizabeth Joseph Broderick (qv), Catherine Patrick Broderick (qv) and Margaret Benignus Broderick (qv). (RSM S, DL 8/5/16)

Broderick, Sr Mary Ita (1920-76) RSM

Mary Brigid Broderick, daughter of William Broderick and his wife, Brigid Corbett, was born in Main Street, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 13 May, 1920. She attended Abbeyfeale National School before entering the Sisters of Mercy, Mount Carmel Convent, Moate, Co. Westmeath, on 8 September, 1939. When receiving the religious habit, she received a new religious name, Sister Ita Joseph. At the end of her novitiate, she made

profession of vows in Moate on 27 October, 1942. She spent her entire life in Moate and died there on 7 September, 1976, at the age of 56 years. She was buried in the cemetery attached to the Mercy Convent, Moate, Co. Westmeath. (RSM, WP ST 30/5/14)

Brouder, Br Daniel Cyril (1916-92) FSC

Daniel Brouder, son of Timothy Brouder and his wife, Catherine Buckley, was born in Ahawilk, Feohanagh, Co. Limerick, on 2 February 1916. In 1934, he entered the De La Salle Brothers (FSC) at Castletown, Co. Laois. On receiving the religious habit, he also received a new name, Brother Cyril. On completion of his novitiate, he made profession of vows on 27 October 1935. He completed his teacher training at De La Salle College of Education, Waterford, in 1939. Subsequently he obtained a BA degree at UCD. He. He then taught for in several towns in Ireland, including Skerries (1948-1954); Kildare (1954-1957); Waterford (1957-1958);

Bagenalstown (1958-1959); Hospital (1959-1962); Macroom (1962-

1967) and Ardee (1967-1974); Churchtown, Dublin (1974-1975) and St Fachtna’s, Skibbereen (1975-1981. On his retirement in 1981, he took up residence at Hospital, Co. Limerick. He died suddenly in 1992. He was a brother of Br Gerry David Brouder (qv) (FSC, 2015)

Brouder, Br Jerry David (1919-2010) FSC

Jerry Brouder, son of Timothy Brouder and his wife, Catherine Buckley, was born in Ahawilk, Feohanagh, Co. Limerick, on 9 February 1919. He entered the De La Salle Juniorate at Faithlegg, Co. Waterford. When receiving the De La Salle habit in 1935, he also received a new religious name, Brother David. He completed his novitiate and made profession of vows before qualifying as a National teacher at De La Salle Teacher Training College, Waterford, in 1941. He taught at Hospital, Co. Limerick: St Declan’s, Waterford; Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow; Churchtown, Co. Dublin; Kildare; Castlebar and Wicklow. He retired from school in 1985 and went to live in the De La Salle community, Kildare. He spent his later years in Castletown, Co. Laois. He died in Portlaoise Hospital, Co. Laois, on 17 January 2010, and was buried in the cemetery attached to Castletown, Co. Laois. He was a brother of Br Daniel Brouder (qv) (FSC, 2015)

Browne, Rev John (1916-90) Limerick

John Browne was born in The Square, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 30 November 1916. He was ordained for the diocese of Limerick at Maynooth on 19 June 1943. Following ordination, he served as curate, successively, in Tournafulla (1946-1947); Athea (1947-1949) and Bruff (1949-1959). In 1959, he was appointed Parish Priest of St Munchin’s (1959-1970), after which he served in the same capacity in Christ the King (1970-1976) and Adare (1976-1990). In his later years, he was appointed Canon of the Cathedral Chapter. He died on 9 December 1990 and was interred in St Nicholas cemetery, Adare, Co. Limerick. (LDA, 26/2/16)

Browne, Rev Michael (1918-99) Dublin

Michael Browne was born in Moanrue, Feohanagh, Co. Limerick, on 15 June, 1918. He entered St Patrick’s Seminary Maynooth, where he was ordained priest for the archdiocese of Dublin on 30 May, 1943. After World War II, he was sent to Rome, where he completed postgraduate studies at the Gregorian University, leading to a Doctorate in Canon Law. He was employed in the Dublin archdiocesan chancellery and was a member of an archdiocesan tribunal. Later, he became Parish Priest of Clonskeagh, Dublin 14. In later life, his activities were limited by a stroke he suffered in 1992. He died on 11 February, 1999. (Gaughan, 2012, 39)

Buckley, Br Brendan Ambrose (1907-93) FPM

Brendan Daniel Buckley, son of Patrick Buckley and his wife, Margaret Brosnahan, was born at Knocktoosh, Broadford, Co. Limerick, on 31 October 1907. He attended the local National School, before entering the Presentation Brothers Preparatory School, Mount St Joseph, Cork, on 9 September 1923. He received the habit of the Presentation Brothers, together with a new religious name, Brother Ambrose, on 25 October 1924. He made his religious profession on 26 November 1926. He spent the greater part of his life in the classroom, his assignments including Glasthule (1929-1932); Cork (1932-1935); Reading (1935-1957) and Dartford (1957-1975). He spent his retirement years in Strawberrry Hill, Twickenham. He died in Nazareth House, Hammersmith, London, on 9 November 1993, aged 86 years. He was buried in the Presentation Brothers burial plot, Henley Road cemetery, Reading, Berkshire, UK (Feheney, 2013, 21).

Buckley, Sr Barbara (1905-1994) SOSJ

Barbara Buckley, daughter of Daniel Buckley and his wife, Mary Murphy, was born in Tooreenagreana, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 22 July 1905. She entered the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart (SOSJ) in the autumn of 1825, arriving in Mount Street, Sydney, New South Wales, on 23 December 1925. She went to Kensington, South Australia, to begin in her novitiate on 17 January 1927. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 19 January 1928. She spent her religious life in schools, teaching in several parts of Australia, including; Providence; Kensington; Spalding; Port Augusta; Quorn; Port Lincoln; Peterborough; Hectorville; Alberton; Barmera; Wallard; Renmark; Thebarton; Mansfield Park; Corydon; Aldgate; Cowandilla and Tappeiner Court. She died at the Flora Mc Donald Nursing Home, Cowandilla, SA, on 5 March 1994, and was buried in the SOSJ burial plot at Mitchum cemetery. She was a sister of Sr Ita Buckley SOSJ (qv) and Sr Zita Buckley SOSJ (qv). (SOSJ 2012)

Buckley, Sr Ita (1902-82) SOSJ

Ita Buckley, daughter of Daniel Buckley and his wife, Mary Murphy, was born in Tooreenagreana, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 25 November 1902. She entered the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart (SOSJ) in the autumn of 1825, arriving in Mount Street, Sydney, New South Wales, on 23 December 1925. She went to Kensington, South Australia, to begin in her novitiate on 27 January 1927. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 19 January 1928. She spent her active life teaching, mainly in South Australia. Among the places where she worked were: West Terrace, Adelaide; Largs Bay SA, St Francis Xavier Seminary, Rostrevor, Adelaide; She died at Tappeiner Court Nursing Home, Kensington, SA, on 27 January 1982, and was buried in the cemetery attached to the convent in Kensington. She had two other sisters in the same congregation i.e Sr Barbara Buckley (qv) and Sr Zita Buckley (qv). (SOSJ 2012)

Buckley, Sr Zita (1908-2007) SOSJ

Zita Buckley, daughter of Daniel Buckley and his wife, Mary Murphy, was born in Tooreenagreana, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 22 July 1908. She entered the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart (SOSJ) in the autumn of 1825, arriving in Mount Street, Sydney, New South Wales, on 23 December 1925. She went to Kensington, South Australia, to begin her novitiate on

17 January 1927. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 19 January 1928. She spent her religious life in schools, teaching in several parts of Australia. When she retired, she devoted her time to making and packing altar breads in Kensington, SA. When her health deteriorated, she moved to Tappeiner Court Nursing Home in Kensington, SA, which caters specially for elderly Josephite Sisters. She died on 18 January 2007 and was buried in Kensington, SA. She was a sister of Sr Barbara Buckley SOSJ (qv) and Sr Ita Buckley SOSJ (qv). (SOSJ 2012)

Burke, Rev James (1876-1910) Witchita

James Burke was born in Kilmacow, Granagh, Co. Limerick, and baptised on 4 December 1876. He was educated at St Munchin’s College, Limerick, and St Patrick’s Seminary, Carlow, where he was ordained for the diocese of Witchita, Kansas, on 14 June 1903. After ordination, he went to work in the diocese of Witchita, Kansas. He was sent to the parish of Winfield, Kansas. His ministry, however, was cut short by tuberculosis, the dreaded disease of the time. He died on 17 December 1910 and was buried in Winfield, Kansas, USA. (M Burke, Mohill, 4/1/16)

Burke, Rev John (1918-89) Limerick

John Burke, son of Michael and Mary Burke, was born in Kilmacow, Granagh, Co. Limerick, in 1918. He was educated at St Munchin’s College, Limerick, and St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, and ordained priest in Maynooth on 18 June 1944. Following ordination, he was appointed to teach at St Munchin’s College, before being appointed curate, successively, in Coolcappa (1959-1963); Ballybrown (1963-1966) and Bruff (1967- 1973). In 1973, he was appointed Parish Priest of Monagea (1973-1983) and subsequently transferred to Ballyagran/ Colmanswell in the same capacity (1983-1989). He died on 2 March 1989 and was buried in the church grounds, Colmanswell, Co. Limerick. (M Burke, Mohill, 7/1/16)

Burke, Rev Thomas (1873-1907) CSSp

Tom Burke, son of John Burke and his wife, Catherine Neville, was born in Curraghchase, Kilcornan, Co. Limerick, on 13 September 1873. In 1895, he entered the Spiritan juniorate, where he completed his secondary schooling. In 1898, he went to Grignon, France, to do his novitiate, after which he completed his philosophy and theology at San Pierroton. He

was ordained priest in 1902. Although, he had been earlier diagnosed with tuberculosis, he was, nevertheless, sent to Zanzibar. Not long afterwards, ill-health forced him to go to Nairobi in the hope of a cure. In this, however, he was disappointed. Shortly before his death, he told a friend that his end was near, because he had heard the crying of the banshee. He died in Nairobi on 18 September 1907, at the early age of 37. He was buried in Nairobi. (Farragher, 2009, 34-35)

Burke, Sr Margaret Waltrude (1882-1993) RSM

Margaret Burke was born in Ballinloughane, Carrigkerry, Co. Limerick, in 1882. She joined the Sisters of Mercy in Chicago, IL, and qualified as a teacher. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary Waltrude, by which she was known to her colleagues. She taught at St Xavier College Auxiliary in Chicago. She died in Chicago on 7 March, 1993, aged 91 years. She was buried in Holy Sepulcher Cemetery, Chicagao, USA (TA, 125, 19)

Burke, Sr Mary Eugene (1920-2004) RSM

Mary Burke, daughter of Michael and Mary Burke, was born in Kilmacow, Granagh, Co. Limerick, on 19 November 1920. She joined the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) in Limerick on 15 January 1940. When receiving the religious habit on 31 August 1940, she also received a new name, Sister Eugene (subsequently changed to Maura). At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 1 September 1942. She made her final vows on 1 September 1945. She spent most of her working life in Limerick. Her last years were spent in Catherine McAuley House, where she died on 31 January 2004. She was buried in the cemetery attached to St Mary’s Convent of Mercy, Limerick. (RSM SC, AB 3/9/14)

Burns, Rev John (1922-91) Tucson

John Francis Burns, son of Thomas Burns and his wife, Margaret Mulvihill, was born at Knocknaboula, Foynes, Co. Limerick, on 7 June 1922. He was educated at St Mary’s College, Galway, before entering St Patrick’s College, Carlow, where he was ordained priest on 1 June 1947 for the diocese of Tucson, AZ, USA. He served in several parishes in the diocese of Tucson, including Our Lady of the Valley and St Augustine’s Tucson. Between 1972 and 1982, he was chancellor of the diocese of Tucson. He

was also Director of Propagation of the Faith (1984-1987). He held several other appointments including Honorary Prelate to His Holiness Pope Paul VI, with the title of Monsignor. He retired in 1987 and died at Tucson University Medical Center on 31 December 1991. He was buried in the Priests’ section of Hope Cemetery, Tucson, AZ. (Tucson Dioc Arch, K Rhinehart 18/11/14).

Butler, Rev George (1882-1956) CSSp

George Joseph Butler, son of Joseph Butler, was born in Monagea, Co. Limerick, on 18 October 1882. After completing his secondary schooling at Rockwell College, he joined the Spiritans (CSSp) at Grignon, Paris. He completed his clerical studies at Chevilly and was ordained priest in 1911. Returning to Ireland, he taught in St Mary’s College, Rathmines, and Blackrock College, Dublin. Later in life he suffered from Parkinson’ disease, from which he eventually died on 1 February 1956. He was buried in Kimmage, Dublin 12. (Farragher, ISR, 37)

Butler, Sr Hanora Magdalen (1903-98) RSM

Hanora Butler, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Butler, was born in Finniterstown, Croagh, Co. Limerick, on 18 August 1903. She joined the Sisters of Mercy, Limerick, on 18 February 1905. When receiving the religious habit on 7 November 1925, she also received a new name, Sister Magdalen. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 18 April 1928. She specialised in catering and served in Rathkeale, Adare, Summerville, Nenagh and Mount St Vincent. Her last years were spent in Catherine McAuley House, Limerick, where she died on 26 October 1998. She was buried in the cemetery attached to St Mary’s Convent of Mercy, Limerick. She was a sister of Sr Mary Josephine Butler RSM (qv). (RSM SC, AB 3/7/14)

Butler, Sr Mary Josephine (1895-1973) RSM

Mary Butler, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Butler, was born in Finniterstown, Croagh, Co. Limerick, on 26 February 1895. She joined the Sisters of Mercy, Limerick, on 26 March 1917. When receiving the religious habit on 10 November 1917, she also received a new name, Sister Josephine. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 6 December 1919. She spent most of her religious life in Limerick. She died

at St Mary’s Convent, Limerick, on 21 February 1973, and was buried in the cemetery attached to the convent. She was a sister of Sr Hanora Magdalen Butler RSM (qv). (RSM SC, AB 3/7/14)

Byrne, Rev Michael (1846-1917) Limerick

Michael Byrne was born in Feenagh, Co. Limerick, and baptised in his local parish church on 28 May, 1846. He studied for the priesthood and was ordained priest on 29 January, 1871. Following ordination, he was appointed curate, successively, in Tournafulla (1871-1872); Fedamore (1872-1873); Ardagh (1873); Banogue (1873-1874); Ardagh (1874-

1879) and Abbeyfeale (1879-1886). He was appointed Administrator of Tournafulla (1886-1890), before being appointed Parish Priest in the same parish (1890-1891). On 7 October, 1901, he was transferred in the same capacity to Abbeyfeale, where he remained until his death on 23 June, 1917, at the age of 71 years. (Tobin, 2004, 6)

Byrnes, Sr Mary Francesca (1921-87) SSHJM

Mary Byrnes, daughter of Daniel Byrnes and his wife, Hanah Noonan, was born in Ballyscanlan, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick, on 10 August 1921. She entered the Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (SSHJM) in Chigwell, Essex, UK. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Francesca. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She then qualified as a nurse and, among other assignments, worked at St Winifred’s Hospital, Cardiff, for several years. She died in St Winfred’s, Cardiff, on 9 July 1987 and was interred in that city. (SSHJM archives;

Cagney, Br Daniel Casimir (1876-1954) FPM

Daniel Cagney, son of Daniel Cagney and his wife, Johanna Kennedy, was born in Ballinahaha, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick, on 12 February 1876, and baptised in Ballingarry Catholic church the next day. He entered the novitiate of the Presentation Brothers, Mount St Joseph, Cork, on 2 January 1895. He received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Brother Cassimir, on 12 July 1895. On completion of his novitiate, he made his religious profession on 31 July 1897. He qualified as teacher and taught in Carrick-on-Shannon, Milltown, and Letterkenny before joining the Canadian province, where he held several leadership appointments. He

died in Longueuil on 18 January 1954, at the age of 77 years, and was interred in the Presentation Brothers burial plot in St Antoin cemetery, Longueuil, Quebec. He was a brother of Br Patrick Cassian Cagney (qv) and of Br Edward Albeus Cagney (qv). (Feheney, 2013, 25)

Cagney, Br Edward Albeus (1877-1964) FPM

Edward Cagney, son of Daniel Cagney and his wife, Johanna Kennedy, was born in Ballinahaha, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick, on 22 February 1877 and baptised in Ballingarry Catholic church a couple of days later. He entered the Presentation Brothers novitiate at Mount St Joseph, Cork, on 23 November 1895. He received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Brother Albeus, on 25 May 1896. On completion of his novitiate, he made profession of vows at Mount St Joseph on 28 May 1898. He passed the King’s Scholarship in April 1904 and qualified as a teacher. He taught in several different schools, including Cork, Carrick-on-Shannon, Orpington, Killarney, Carlile, Cobh, Kinsale, Birr and Letterkenny, where he spent the latter part of his life. He died suddenly in Letterkenny on 16 August 1964, at the age of 87 years. He was interred in the Presentation Brothers’ burial plot, Dean’s Grange Ccemetery, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. He was a brother of both Brs Patrick Cassian Cagney (qv) and Danieal Cassimir Cagney (qv). (Feheney, 2013, 26)

Cagney, Br Patrick Cassian (1875-1961) FPM

Patrick Cagney, son of Daniel Cagney and his wife, Johanna Kennedy, was born in Ballinahaha, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick, and baptised in Ballingarry Catholic church on 15 February 1875. He entered the Presentation Brothers novitiate, Mount St Joseph, Cork, on 18 August 1894. He received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, on 11 March 1895. On completion of his novitiate, he Brother Cassian made his religious profession on 13 March 1897. He qualified as a National teacher and held several posts of responsibility, including superior. He spent some years in Canada, where he acquired a reputation as an effective teacher. He spent his later years in Killarney, where he died after a lingering illness on 15 December 1961, at the age of 86 years. His final resting place was the Presentation Brothers burial plot in Aghadoe cemetery, overlooking the Lakes of Killarney. He was a brother of Brs Daniel Cassimir Cagney (qv) and James Albeus Cagney (qv). (Feheney, 2013, 27)

Cagney, Sr Margaret (1872-1906) RSM

Margaret Cagney, daughter of Daniel Cagney and his wife, Mary Kennedy, was born in Ballinahaha, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick, in 1872. She entered the Convent of Mercy, Hull, England, in 1903. On completion of her novitiate, she made her religious profession on 4 January 1906. Soon afterwards, however, she fell ill and died on 3 September 1906. She was interred in the Convent of Mercy, Hull, England. She was a sister of Sr Mary Benedicta Cagney (qv). (RSM UK, JS 2012)

Cagney, Sr Mary Benedicta (1873-1934) RSM

Mary Agnes Cagney, daughter of Daniel Cagney and his wife, Mary Kennedy, was born in Ballinahaha, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick, on 31 March 1877. She entered the Convent of Mercy, Hull, England. She received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Sister Benedicta, on 23 January 1896. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 25 March 1899. She qualified as a teacher and taught in the Convent of Mercy Schools UK for many years. She died on 27 May 1934, and was interred in the convent cemetery, Hull, England. She was a sister of Sr Margaret Cagney (qv). (RSM UK, JS 2012)

Cahill, Br Patrick Hilarion (1897-1958) FPM

Patrick Cahill, son of Maurice Cahill and his wife, Mary Collins, was born on 2 April 1879, at the family home in Ballaugh, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. He entered the Presentation Brothers Preparatory School at Mount St Joseph, Cork, on 14 August 1899. He received the habit of the Presentation Brothers, together with a new religious name, Brother Hilarion, on 19 February 1900. On completion of his novitiate, he made his religious profession on 12 April 1902. He passed the King’s Scholarship examination and qualified as a national teacher and taught in several schools, including Kinsale, Dungannon, Letterkenny, Coláiste Muire, Douglas, Cork. He spent his retirement years in Killarney. He died at Tralee District Hospital on 25 November 1958, at the age of 79 years. and was interred in Aghadoe cemetery, overlooking the Lakes of Killarney. He was a brother of Br Timothy Justin Cahill FPM (qv). (Feheney, 2013, 27)

Cahill, Br Timothy Justin (1872-1942) FPM

Timothy Cahill, son of Maurice Cahill and his wife, Mary Collins, was born on 27 November 1872, in Ballaugh, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. He entered the Presentation Brothers novitiate, Cork, on 15 September 1890. He received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Brother Justin, on 30 March 1891. On completion of his novitiate, he made his religious profession on 3 April 1893. He passed the King’s Scholarship and qualified as a National Teacher. He proved to be a very effective teacher. and was principal in several schools, including Carrick-on-Shannon, Killarney, Cork and Cobh. In 1925, he was elected Assistant General. He died at the South Monastery, Douglas Street, in Cork, on 28 March 1942, at the age of 69 years, and was buried in the cemetery attached to Mount St Joseph, Cork. He was an older brother of Br Patrick Hilarion Cahill (qv). (Feheney, 2013, 28)

Cahill, Rev David (1924-2013) SDB

David Cahill, son of Thomas Cahill and his wife, Johanna Ward, was born in Inchebawn, Templeglantan, Co. Limerick, on 1 October 1924. He entered the Salesian Novitiate (SDB) at Backford, Worcs., UK, where he made his religious profession on 8 September 1951. He completed his ecclesiastical studies and was ordained priest on 31 July 1960. He continued his education in Rome, where he obtained a Licentiate in Philosophy, and at UCD, where he obtained a BAgSc degree in 1971. He spent several years on the staff of Warrenstown Agricultural College. He last years were spent at Elm Hall Nursing Home, Celbridge, Co. Kildare, where he died on 6 December 2013. He was buried in the Salesian Community Cemetery, Pallaskenry, Co. Limerick. (SDB, 2013)

Cahill, Rev Edward (1868-1941) SJ

Edward Cahill, son of Patrick Cahill and his wife, Lucy O’Dea nee Culhane, was born in Callow, Cappagh, Co. Limerick, on 19 February 1868. He entered and St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, where he studied for the priesthood. After obtaining minor orders, he decided to enter the Society of Jesus on 8 June 1891. He was ordained priest in the Jesuit church, Gardiner Street, Dublin, in 1897. He was then sent to teach at Mungret College, where he was successively teacher, rector and superior. In 1924, he was appointed Professor of Church History and lecturer in sociology at the

Jesuit scholasticate, Milltown Park, Dublin. He was a dedicated scholar and researcher and wrote many articles and several books. Among his books were Freemasonry and the Anti-Christian Movement (1929), which gave rise to controversy. His book, The Framework of a Christian State (1932), was regarded as his most important work. In 1926, he founded the Catholic study circle, An Rioghact, in Dublin. He was also associated with the organisation, Muintir na Tíre. He died on 16 July 1941, after a long illness and was buried in Dublin. The Taoiseach and members of the Oireachtas, including Mr Eamonn DeValera, leader of the opposition, attended his funeral. (SJ archives, 2009; The Standard, 18/7/1941)

Cahill, Sr Catherine Generosa (1855-1919) CSC

Catherine Cahill, daughter of Patrick Cahill and his wife, Mary Fitzgerald, was born in Kilmacat, Kildimo, Co. Limerick, on 28 March 1855. She joined the Congregation of the Holy Cross (CSC), with headquarters at St Mary’s, Notre Dame, Indiana, taking the name Sister Generosa, at her reception on 15 August, 1881. She made her profession on 15 August 1883. She spent the rest of her life at St Mary’s, Notre Dame, IN, being involved mostly in the supervision of domestic arrangements. She died at St Mary’s on 9 December 1919, and was buried in the Holy Cross burial plot, Our Lady of Peace Cemetery, St Mary’s, Notre Dame, IN. She was a sister of Sr Ellen Euthalie Cahill (qv). (CSC JF, 2010)

Cahill, Sr Elizabeth Agostina (1875-1962) SMG

Elizabeth Cahill was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 22 February 1875. She entered the Poor Servants of the Mother of God (SMG) at Maryfield, Roehampton, London, on 22 July 1894. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Agostina. On completion of her novitiate training she made profession of vows in Maryfield on 8 December 1894. She spent the major part of her life at the SMG convent in Rome. In her later years, she returned to England and died on 20 February 1962. She was buried in the SMG burial plot in St Helen’s Lancs, UK. (SMG JO’R, 6/9/15)

Cahill, Sr Ellen Euthalia (1859-1934) CSC

Ellen Cahill, daughter of Patrick Cahill and his wife, Mary Fitzgerald, was born in Kimacat, Kildimo, Co. Limerick, and baptised at her local

parish church on 28 November, 1859. She joined the Congregation of the Holy Cross (CSC), with headquarters at St Mary’s, Notre Dame, Indiana, taking the name Sister Euthalia, at her reception on 15 August, 1887. She made her profession on 15 August, 1892. She went to work at Sacred Heart Academy, Ogden, UT, where she had responsibility for junior girls who were boarders there. Following an illness, she was hospitalised at Holy Cross Hospital, Salt Lake, UT, in 1934. She died there from a cerebral haemorrhage on 27 June, 1934. She was buried in the Holy Cross burial plot, Mount Calvary cemetery, Salt Lake, UT. She was a sister of Sr Catherine Generosa Cahill (qv). (CSC JF, 2010)

Cahill, Sr Helen Maelisa (1931-92) RSM

Helen Ita Cahill, daughter of William and Hannah Cahill, was born in Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, on 23 October 1931. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at St Mary’s Convent, Limerick, on 23 September 1951. When receiving the religious habit on 5 July 1952, she also received a new religious name, Sister Maelisa. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 31 August 1954. She qualified as a teacher at Mary Immaculate College of Education, Limerick, and spent most of her life in the classroom. She died at St Mary’s Convent, Limerick, on 16 May 1992, and was buried in the cemetery attached to the convent. She was a sister of Sr Joan St Anne Cahill RSM (qv). (RSM SC, AB 1/9/14)

Cahill, Sr Joan St Anne (1933-2006) RSM

Joan Mary Cahill, daughter of William and Hannah Cahill, was born in Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, on 6 June 1933. On completion of her secondary schooling at the Convent of Mercy, Newcastle West, she entered Mary Immaculate College of Education, where she qualified as a primary teacher. After one year’s teaching, she entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at St Mary’s Convent, Limerick, on 11 October 1953. When receiving the religious habit on 3 June 1954, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary St Anne (subsequently changed to Joan). At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 29 August 1956. She taught in Adare Convent Primary School before going to Florida, USA, in 1960. There she taught at St Mary’s Catholic Parish School, Rockledge, Florida, subsequently holding the post of Principal for 19 years. She returned to Limerick in 2004, owing to deteriorating health. She spent her later years

at the Catherine McAuley Home, Limerick, where she died on 6 January 2006. She was buried in the cemetery attached to St Mary’s Convent of Mercy, Limerick. She was a sister of Sr Helen Maelisa Cahill RSM (qv). (RSM SC, AB 1/9/14)

Cahill, Sr Mary Thomas (1928-2011) CSN

Mary Cahill, daughter of Thomas Cahill and his wife, Johanna Ward, was born in Inchebaun, Templeglantine, Co. Limerick, on 30 January 1928. She entered the Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth (CSN) at Hammersmith, London, on 14 March 1947. When receiving the religious habit on 21 November 1947, she also received a new religious name, Sister Thomas of Villanova. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 24 May 1955. She then trained in Child Care. He assignments included: Northampton (1950-51); Middlesbrough (1952-53); Hammersmith (1953-54); Aberdeen (1954-55); Birmingham

(1955-56); Edinburgh (1956-58); Northampton (1958-63); Kilmarnock

(1963-65); Northampton (1965-73); Glasgow (1973-75); Cardiff (1976-

81) ; Birmingham (1981-85); Plymouth (1986-87); Wrexham (1989-

91); Bexhill (1992-95); Hammersmith (1998-99); Manchester, Superior (2000-07). She suffered a stroke on 30 January and died in Manchester on 31 January 2011. Her remains were taken home and she was buried in the family grave Templeglantine, Co. Limerick. (CSN PH, 18/3/2015)

Cahill, Sr Winifred (1881-1960) SCJM

Sr Winifred Cahill was born in Kildimo, Co. Limerick, on 19 April 1881. She joined the Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary (SCJM), a Belgian congregation with houses in Ireland, and was a member of the founding community in Matara, Sri Lanka, in 1908. At her reception, she received the name, Sister Winifred. Several girls from the Kildimo area joined this congregation, with Irish headquarters in Moore Abbey, Monasterevan, Co. Kildare. In 1951, Sister Winifred was the recipient of a legacy of £300 for her mission from her relative, Mrs Bessie O’Halloran, nee Cahill, late of O’Connell Avenue, Limerick. Sr Winifred died on 15 December 1960, and was buried in Matara, Sri Lanka. (SCJM 7/4/16)

Carey, Rev Bernard (1865-1932) CSSp

Bernard Carey was born in Rathkeale, Co. Limerick, on 28 May 1865. He entered the Spiritan Congregation in Blackrock, Co. Dublin, in 1882. He completed his priestly studies in France and was ordained priest in 1887. The following year, he joined a group of colleagues, who sailed to Australia to open a new mission in Ballarat. Subsequently, he ministered in many places, including the USA, Trinidad and East Africa. He was also chaplain in the Middle East during World War I. He spent his later years in St Mary’s College, Port of Spain. He died on 22 November 1932 and was buried in Lapyrouse Cemetery, Port of Spain, Trinidad. (Farragher, ISR, 47)

Carey, Sr Catherine Bernard (1934-2002) RSM

Catherine (Kathleen) Carey, daughter of Cornelius and Catherine Carey, was born at Granagh, Co. Limerick, on 25 June 1934. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Shankill, Isle of Wight, England, on 22 August 1949. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Bernard. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in Shankill on 2 June 1953. She qualified as a teacher and taught in the South of England for the remainder of her life. She died on 5 June 2002 and was buried in Shankill, Isle of Wight, UK. (RSM Int, MKD 2015; MB 23/2/16)

Carey, Sr Mary Angela (1873-1944) RSM

Angela Carey, daughter of James Carey and his wife, Margaret O’Malley, was born in Rathkeale, Co. Limerick, on 10 December 1873. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM), Jervis Street, Dublin, on 8 September 1900. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 16 April 1903. She worked at Jervis Street Hospital and died there on 12 September 1944. Her remains were interred in the cemetery attached to Goldenbridge Convent of Mercy, Dublin. (RSM SC, AB 7/10/15)

Carroll, Rev David (1865-1932) Limerick

David Carroll was born in Ballingarry, Co. Limerick, and baptised in his parish church on 20 November 1865. He entered St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, on 1 September 1897, and was ordained priest on 21 June, 1891. Following ordination, he ministered for two years in the Archdiocese of Westminster. On his return to Ireland, he was appointed

curate, successively, in Mungret (1893-1894); St Patrick’s (1894-1910) and Dromin/ Athlacca (1910-1922). On 9 December 1922, he was appointed Parish Priest of Banogue and, in 1922, he was transferred to Mungret in the same capacity. He died in Mungret on 29 April 1932, at the age of 66 years. He was buried in the church grounds in Mungret, Co. Limerick. He was a brother of Rev Michael Carroll (qv). (Tobin, 2004, 8)

Carroll, Rev James (1887-1949) CSSp

James F Carroll, was born in Nantinan, Askeaton, Co. Limerick, on 6 April 1887. In his youth, he immigrated to the United States and studied at Pittsburgh Holy Ghost Preparatory School and College, graduating in 1907. He entered the Spiritan congregation and made profession of vows in Ferndale, WA. He was ordained priest in 1913 and obtained his Doctorate in theology (DD) in 1915. He taught theology in the Senior Spiritan Scholasticate in Ferndale for the next five years. In 1920, he was transferred to Duquesne University, where he taught philosophy during the following 12 years. He was appointed Dean of the College of Arts and, later, Vice-President of the University. He published several booklets on philosophy and devotional subjects. He died 18 July 1949, aged 62 years. (Farragher, ISR, 50)

Carroll, Rev James (c1799-1871) Pittsburgh

James Francis Carroll was born in Callow, Cappagh, Co. Limerick, about 1799. He trained for the priesthood and was ordained priest for the archdiocese of Pitsburgh PA. He published the book, From Turf Fire to Boree Log (published, in Pittsburg PA, Bibl id. 2593800, 1935). He died in Philadelphia PA on 19 June 1871. (, 2/7/2015)

Carroll, Rev John (c.1900-69) Limerick

John Carroll was born in Granagh, Co. Limerick, around 1900 and was educated for the priesthood in St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, where he was ordained on 21 June, 1925. He served for a short time in the archdiocese of Southwark before being appointed curate in Ballyhahill (1926), Ardagh (1928) and Bruff (1936). He was appointed Parish Priest of Glenroe in 1949. He was transferred to AskeatonBallysteen as Parish Priest on 14 January 1964, where he ministered until his sudden death on 10 September 1969. He was buried in the church grounds, Askeaton. (LDA, 2015).

Carroll, Rev Michael (1863-1942) Limerick

Michael Carroll was born Ballingarry, Co. Limerick, on 25 October 1863. He was ordained priest for the diocese of Limerick on 22 December 1888. Following ordination, he ministered for two years in St Margaret’s parish, Ayr, in the diocese of Galloway. On his return to the diocese of Limerick, he was appointed curate, successively, in Patrickswell/ Ballybrown (1893- 1896); Loughill (1886-1907); Bulgaden (1907-1908); Kilmallock (1908-

1910) and Ballyagran (1910-1917). On 23 January 1917, he was appointed Parish Priest of Stonehall (Kilcornan), but, in 1918, he was transferred to Loughill in the same capacity. He spent his final days as Parish Priest of Glin (1928-1942), where he died on 9 November 1942, at the age of 79 years. He was buried in the church grounds, Glin, Co. Limerick. In 1932, he was appointed a Canon of the Cathedral Chapter. He was a brother of Rev David Carroll (qv) (LDA, 2015)

Carroll, Rev Patrick (1875-1959) CSC

Patrick Joseph Carroll, son of Joseph Carroll and his wife, Hannah Moloney, was born in Ballybane, Cappagh, Co. Limerick, on 15 August 1875. In 1896, he went to the USA and joined the Holy Cross congregation, which conducted the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, IN. After his seminary training and university education at Notre Dame, he was ordained priest. He spent the remainder of his life at Notre Dame University. He wrote several books, the most popular being Patch, first published in 1946. The success of Patch gave rise to a mini-series of books, all featuring the adventures of the eponymous schoolboy hero, Patch. He was editor of the national Catholic journal, Ave Maria, for several years and was also vice- president of the University of Notre Dame. He died at Notre Dame on 18 November 1959 and was buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, Notre Dame, IN (CHC, Notre Dame, USA)

Carroll, Sr Anne Emilian (1916-2003) SCJM

Annie Carroll, daughter of Michael Carrol and his wife, Bridget Kennedy, was born in Ballybaun, Cappagh, Co. Limerick, on 16 January 1916. She entered the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary (SCJM) at Moore Abbey, Co. Kildare, on 28 August 1936. When receiving the religious habit on 23 March 1937, she also rceived a new religious name, Sister Emilian. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on

20 August 1938. She ministered in Tottington (Lancs. UK), Lethworth (Herts. UK) and Monasterevin, her duties being largely supervision of domestic work and care facilities. She died at Rosglas, Monasterevin, on on 8 April 2003 and was buried in the cemetery attached to Moore Abbey, Monasterevin, Co. Kildare. She was a niece of Sr Bridget H Carroll CSC (qv). (SCJM, Helen, 21/1/15)

Carroll, Sr Bridget Hieronyme (1869-1904) CSC

Bridget Carroll, daughter of Joseph Carroll and his wife, Johanna Moloney, was born in Ballybaun, Cappagh, Co. Limerick, and baptised in her local parish church on 24 September 1869. She entered the Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, IN, on 7 October 1891. She received the religious habit, together with a new name, Sister Hieronyme, on 9 July 1892, and made her religious profession on 13 July 1894. She spent most of her life teaching in different schools of her congregation, including, Academy of the Holy Cross, Washington DC; Holy Cross Convent, Notre Dame IN; Mount Carmel Hospital, Columbus, OH and St Patrick’s Convent, Danville, IL. When her health began to decline, she returned to St Mary’s Convent, Notre Dame IN, in 1902, where she obtained medical care and oversight. She died at Notre Dame IN on 6 August, 1904, aged 34 years, and was interred in Our Lady of Peace cemetery, St Mary’s, Notre Dame, IN. (qv). (CSC JF, 2011)

Carroll, Sr Teresa Columbanus (1918-93) SCJM

Teresa Carroll, daughter of Michael Carrol and his wife, Bridget Kennedy, was born in Ballybaun, Cappagh, Co. Limerick, on 13 August 1918. She entered the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary (SCJM) at Totington, Lancs., UK, on 28 August 1936. When receiving the religious habit, she also rceived a new religious name, Sister Columbanus. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 25 March 1938 in Ghent. She ministered in Tottington (Lancs. UK), Letchworth (Herts. UK) Galle, Sri Lanka, Bendigo, Australia, and Lakenham, UK, her duties being largely supervision of domestic work and care facilities. She died at Roxley, UK, on 3 March 1993 and was interred in Letchworth, UK. She was a niece of Sr Bridget H Carroll CSC and a sister of Sr Anne Emilian Carroll (qv). (SCJM archives, Helen, 21/7/16)

Chawke, Rev William (1883-1936) Witchita

William Chawke was born in Granagh, Co. Limerick, on 12 December 1883. He was educated at St Michael’s College, Listowel, and St Patrick’s Seminary, Carlow, where he was ordained for the diocese of Witchita, Kansas, US, in June 1909. He ministered in several parishes in Witchita, including Kingman, Kansas, where he died suddenly on 10 August 1936. He was buried in Kingman, Kansas, USA. (LL, 29/8/1936, p.9)

Colbert, Br Daniel Christopher (1885-1956) FPM

Daniel Colbert, son of John Colbert and his wife, Kate O’Connor, was born in Lower Kilconlea, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on Christmas day, 25 December 1885. He entered the Presentation Brothers, Cork, on 8 September 1903. He received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Brother Christopher, on 1 March 1904. On completion of his novitiate, he made his religious profession on 17 March 1906. He passed the King’s Scholarship and qualified as a teacher. In additioin to teaching, he held posts of responsibility in several schools, including Cork, Orpington, and Killarney. In 1911, he volunteered for Canada, where he taught in several schools, including St Patrick’s Academy, Sherbrooke, Canada. In August 1926, he returned to Ireland, where, again, he held several posts of responsibility. He died at the Bon Secours Hospital, Cork on 31 July 1956, at the age of 70 years. He was buried in the cemetery attached to Mount St Joseph, Cork. He was a brother of Br William Andrew Colbert (qv). (Feheney, 2013, 42)

Colbert, Br William Andrew (1871-1950) FPM

William Colbert, son of John Colbert and his wife, Kate O’Connor, was born in Lower Kilconlea, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, and baptised in the parish church a few days later on 15 February 1871. On 8 September, 1894, he entered the Presentation Brothers, at Mount St Joseph, Cork. He received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Brother Andrew, on 14 April 1895. On completion of his novitiate, he made his religious profession on 21 April 1897. He served in Cobh and Killarney. He died on 30 June 1950, following a road accident, when he was hit by a cyclist, while on vacation in Ballybunnion, Co. Kerry. He was then 59 years

of age. He was buried in the Presentation Brothers burial plot, Aghadoe cemetery, overlooking the Lakes of Killarney. He was a brother of Daniel Colbert (qv). (Feheney, 2013, 43)

Coleman, Sr Bridget Euphrasia (1873-1931) OSB

Bridget Coleman, daughter of Thomas Coleman and his wife, Margaret Dore, was born in Drominacreen, Kilmeedy, Co. Limerick, on 12 December 1873. She joined the Benedictine Order (OSB) in Atchison, Kansas, USA, on 17 July 1894. When receiving the religious habit on 1 January 1895, she also received a new religious name, Sister Euphrasia. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 1 January 1896. She spent her life teaching, her assignments including St Benedict’s School, Kansas; SS Peter and Paul School, Seneca, KS, and St Joseph’s School, St Joseph, MO. She died suddenly on 14 May 1931 and was interred in the cemetery attached to her convent. She was a sister of Sr Katherine Julia Coleman (qv). (OSB MLK, 5/12/2011)

Coleman, Sr Katherine Julia (1878-1902) OSB

Katherine Coleman, daughter of Thomas Coleman and his wife, Margaret Dore, was born in Drominacreen, Kilmeedy, Co. Limerick, on 6 January 1878. She joined the Benedictine Order (OSB) in Atchison, Kansas, USA, in January 1899. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 15 August 1900. She had a very short life, dying after a short illness of renal failure on 1 May 1902. The convent annals record: ‘During the night she fell ill. She was removed to the infirmary and the doctor and priest summoned, but she died during the night… of uremic poison’. She was buried in the USA. She was a sister of Sr Bridget Euphrasia Coleman (qv). (OSB MLK, 5/12/2011)

Coleman, Sr Mary Lelia (1923-2011) SJC

Mary Coleman, daughter of John Coleman and his wife, Eileen Gaffney, was born in Carhumore, Kilmeedy, Co. Limerick, on 1 September 1923. She joined the Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny (SJC) at Galen Priory, Ferbane, Co. Offaly, in 1941. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Lelia. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 12 August 1944. She then completed her training as a primary teacher in London, and was assigned to the island of St Lucia,

where she taught for forty years in St Joseph’s Convent School, Castries. When her health deteriorated, she returned to Ireland and lived at the SJC convent, Ferbane, Co. Offaly. She spent her last months in the SJC Care Unit at Mount Sackville, where she died on 23 October 2011. She was buried in the cemetery attached to Mount Sackville, Dublin 20. (SJC BM 1/12/2015)

Collins, Br Richard Kevin (1863-1931) FPM

Richard Collins was born in Ballagh, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 1 July 1863. He entered the novitiate of the Presentation Brothers at Killarney, Co. Kerry, in 1887. When receiving the religious habit in 1890, he also received a new religious name, Brother Kevin. At the end of his novitiate, he made profession of vows at Killarney on 2 August 1892. He qualified as a teacher and taught at Cobh and Birr, where he was superior (1922-1923). He spent his later years in Killarney, where he died, after a brief illness, on 11 August 1931, aged 68 years. He was interred in the cemetery at the old monastery, Killarney, his remains being subsequently translated to the Presentation Brothers’ burial plot, Aghadoe cemetery, overlooking the Lakes of Killarney. (Feheney, 2013, 46)

Collins, Br Thomas Edwin (1874-1938) FPM

Thomas Collins, son of Thomas Collins and his wife, Mary O’Sullivan, was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 19 April 1874. He entered the Presentation Brothers in novitiate at the South Monastery, Cork, on 8 June 1891. He received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Brother Edwin, on 7 April 1892. At the end of his novitiate, he made profession of vows at the South Monastery on 23 April 1894. He qualified as a teacher and taught in Kinsale, Queenstown (now Cobh), Killarney, where he was superior (1905-1907) and Boyle, where he was superior (1910-1916). In 1914, he joined the Canadian province, and secured a Teacher’s Diploma from the Quebec Schools Authority in August 1916. He taught at Chaveau School, Montreal, before his appointment to St Patrick’s Academy, Sherbrooke, where he spent 22 years. He died at Ross Memorial Hospital, Montreal, on 29 May 1938, aged 63 years. He was interred in the Presentation Brothers’ burial plot, St Antoine cemetery, Longueuil, Quebec. (Feheney, 2013, 47)

Collins, Rev Cornelius (c1927-2013) Limerick

Cornelius (Con) Collins, son of John and Nora Collins, was born in Main Street, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, about 1927. While still a child, his parents and family moved to Carrigeen, Croom, and settled on a farm there. He entered St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, where he was ordained on 22 June 1952. After ordination, he ministered for five years in Kildare, before taking up duties as curate in St John’s, Limerick, in 1957. He was appointed Administrator of St John’s in 1971 and curate in Ballingarry in 1976. In 1980, he was appointed Parish Priest of Glin and transferred to Mahoonagh in the same capacity in 1993. He retired to Patrickswell in 2004. During his last months, he was cared for at Milford Hospice, where he died on 24 April 2013. He was buried in Relig Mhuire, Croom, Co. Limerick. (LL 21/9/2013)

Collins, Rev Daniel (1912-99) Los Angeles

Daniel Collins was born in Port, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 13 March 1912. He was ordained priest in Rome on 19 March, 1935. He served in several parishes in the archdiocese of Los Angeles. He served at St Lawrence Martyr Parish, Los Angeles, USA, for 26 years and was awarded the title of Monsignor. He died in Los Angeles on 10 October 1999. There is a grave stone to his memory in the grounds of the Church of the Assumption, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. He was a brother of Rev Mgr Michael P Collins. (PBVM, CC, 2016)

Collins, Rev John (1886-1991) Bombay

John Collins was born in Glenquin, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, in 1886. His mother died when he was a small child and he was cared for by his cousin, Ms O’Sullivan, at Killinboy, Co. Clare. After completing his primary schooling, he joined the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) in 1913 (service number: 67092), remaining in the force until 28 December 1917, when he resigned and began to study for the priesthood. After ordination, he went to Bombay (now renamed Mumbai), India, where a British regiment was stationed. He worked for the remainder of his life in Mumbai and died there in 1991, at the age of 105 years. He was reported as having been awarded the title of Monsignor. (JM, 2015)

Collins, Rev Michael (1918-2010) Orange

Michael P Collins was born in Port, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 29 June 1918. He was ordained priest on 3 June 1943, for the diocese of Orange, CA. He ministered in several parishes in that diocese, his last assignment being in Huntington Beach, CA. In his later life, he received the title of Monsignor from the His Holiness, the Pope. He died on 6 May 2010, and was interred in Huntington Beach cemetery, CA. There is a headstone to his memory in the grounds of the Church of the Assumption, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. He was a brother of Mgr Daniel Collins, who also ministered in California. (PBVM CC, 2016)

Collins, Rev Patrick (1902-76) Los Angeles

Patrick Collins was born in Main Street, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 3 June 1902. He completed his clerical studies in the USA and was ordained priest for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles on 19 June 1929. He was administrator of St Kevin’s Parish, Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, from 1940 to 1945. He returned to St Kevin’s some twenty years later and spent his last years there as a much-esteemed Pastor (1966-1975). He retired in 1975, after being made a Monsignor. He died on 15 October 1976, and was buried in Los Angeles, USA. ((PBVM CC, 28/4/16)

Collins, Sr Catherine Rita (1884-1965) HFB

Catherine Collins was born in Arranagh, Monagea, Co. Limerick, on 6 February 1884. She joined the Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux (HFB) at Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, UK, on 14 August 1905. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Rita. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She seems to have spent the remainder of her life in the UK, teaching in different schools of her congregation. She died at Sicklinghall, Yorks., on 9 June 1965. She was buried in the UK. (HFB CM, 4/12/14)

Collins, Sr Kathleen Alphonsus (1909-91) RSM

Kathleen (Kit) Collins, daughter of Denis and Ellen Collins, was born in Ballylahive, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, on 9 December 1907. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) in Brentwood, UK, on 21 March 1921. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Alphonsus. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows

on 30 September 1933. She qualified as a teacher and taught initially in the UK but, subsequently, in South Africa. On her return to the UK, she was appointed principal of a large Catholic school in Colchester. She was also superior of her community. She died 17 December 1991 and was buried in the cemetery at Hornchurch, Essex, UK. She was a sister of Sr Nora Enda Collins LCM (qv). (RSM Int, MKD 4/11/15; DF, NCW 2015)

Collins, Sr Nora Enda (1911-72) LCM

Nora Mary Collins, daughter of Denis and Ellen Collins, was born in Balylahive, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, on 16 April 1911. She joined the Little Company of Mary (LCM) on 24 September 1927. When receiving the religious habit on 25 Marcy 1928, she also received a new religious name, Sister Enda. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 25 March 1930. She qualified as a nurse and spent most of her life working in South Africa. She died in Port Elizabeth on 13 May 1972. Her remains were interred in Port Elizabeth, SA. She was a sister of Sr Kathleen Alphonsus Collins RSM (qv). (LCM, CK 4/12/15)

Connellan, Rev Brendan (1928-2009) Limerick

Brendan Connellan was born in Knockaderry, Co. Limerick, in March 1928. In 1945, He entered St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, in 1945, and was ordained priest in 1952. A brilliant student, he also obtained several academic degrees, including BA, BD, BPh and HDE. After ordination, he taught at St Munchin’s College until 1967, when he was appointed curate, successively, in Mungret (1967-1978) and Southill (1978-1985). In 1985, he was appointed Parish Priest of St Mary’s (1985-2002). He retired in 2002, but continued to assist at St Mary’s until his final illness. He died at the Limerick Regional Hospital on 29 December2009. He was buried in the church grounds of St Mary’s Church, Limerick. He was a brothor of Rev Sean Connellan OMI (qv) and Rev Colm Connellan OMI (qv). (Clerical Whispers 6/1/2010)

Connellan, Rev Colm (1921-95) OMI

Thomas Colm Connellan, son of John Connellan and his wife, Mary Hogan, both from Knockaderry, Co. Limerick, was born in Ballarat, New South Wales, Australia, on 28 February 1919. When his family returned to Co. Limerick, he attended the Good Counsel College, New Ross, Co.

Wexford (1934-1935) and subsequently entered the Oblate Novitiate. He made profession of vows on 15 September 1940. He then studied at UCD (BA, MA) before his ordination as priest on 29 June 1948. He taught in the Oblate scholasticate, Belcamp Hall, Raheny, and lectured in philosopy at UCD. He spent the remainder of his life in Belcamp and died on 9 March 1995. He was buried in the Oblate cemetery, Inchicore, Dublin 8. He was a brothor of Rev Sean Connellan OMI (qv) and Rev Brendan Connellan (qv), as well as of Srs Enda HFB, Una LCM and Loreto Connellan HFB (qv). (OMI Archives, 11/8/14)

Connellan, Rev John (1919-89) OMI

John James (Sean) Connellan, son of John Connellan and his wife, Mary Hogan, both from Knockaderry, Co. Limerick, was born in Ballarat, New South Wales, Australia, on 28 February 1919. When his family returned to Co. Limerick, he entered the Oblate novitiate at Cahermoyle, Co. Limerick, taking his vows there on 15 September 1937. On completing his ecclesiastical studies, he was ordained priest on 29 June 1942. Following ordination, he was assigned to St Anne’s Parish, Birmingham (1943-1953), after which he served at Sacred Heart Church, Kilburn, London. He also served in Leeds (1960-1966) and Rock Ferry, Cheshire (1966-1989). In 1989, he retired to the Sisters of Mercy Nursing Home at Colwyn Bay, N Wales, where he died on 10 October 1989. He was buried in the Oblate cemetery, Inchicore, Dublin 8. He was a brothor of Rev Thomas C Connellan OMI (qv) and Rev Brendan Connellan (qv) (OMI Archives, 11/8/14)

Connellan, Sr Brigid Enda (1917-2007) HFB

Brigid Connellan, daughter of John Connellan and his wife, Mary Hogan, was born in Victoria, Australia, of Limerick parents, on 11 June 1917. While she was still a child, she moved with her family to Knockaderry Co. Limerick. She entered the Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux (HFB) on 29 January 1936. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Enda. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She taught in several schools in England. She died on 24 June 2007 at Sickinghall, Wetherby, Yorks. and was buried in the cemetery attached to the HFB convent. She was a sister of Sr Maureen Lorette Connellan (qv). (HFB CM, 17/12/14)

Connellan, Sr Maureen Lorette (1916-98) HFB

Maureen Connellan, daughter of John Connellan and his wife, Mary Hogan, was born in Victoria, Australia, of Limerick parents, on 30 January 1916. While she was still a child, she moved with her family to Knockaderry Co. Limerick. She entered the Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux (HFB) on 17 January 1935. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Lorette. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She taught in several schools in England. She died at Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, UK, on 3 March 1998 and was buried in the cemetery attached to the HFB convent there. She was a sister of Sr Brigid Enda Connellan (qv). (HFB CM, 17/12/14)

Connery, Rev Edmund (c.1787-1858) Limerick

Edmund Connery was born in Court, Kildimo, about 1787. He was ordained priest and, in 1817, became Parish Priest of Kildimo/ Pallaskenry, in succession to Fr Michael Copps. In 1835, he was transferred to Bruree and, in 1839, to Fedamore. In 1854, he returned to Kildimo/ Pallaskenry and died on 15 January 1858. He was interred in Castletown cemetery, Paallaskenry. He is thought to have been a close relative of Fr Michael Connery (qv). (Feheney 2010, 21)

Connery, Rev Michael (c.1827-82) Limerick

Michael Connery was born in Court, Kildimo, Co. Limerick, about 1827. He entered St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, on 14 September 1850. In the course of his ecclesiastical studies, he specialised in humanities. He was ordained for the diocese of Limerick in Maynooth on 29 May 1860. His appointments included: curate, Monagea (1860-1861); curate, Manister (1861-1863); curate Abbeyfeale (1863-1877); parish priest, Coolcappa (1877-1882). He died in Coolcappa on 26 June 1882, aged 55 years. He was buried in the church grounds, Coolcappa. He was a brother of Rev William Connery (qv), who was ordained in 1850. (Hamell, 1982, 45; Tobin, 2004, 17)

Connery, Rev Thomas (c.1820) Limerick

Thomas Connery was a close relative of Rev Edmund Connery (qv), Parish Priest of Kildimo/ Pallaskenry, and was also born in Court, Kildimo,

around 1820. He became Parish Priest of Meanus. The Connery family are listed as tenants of the Earl of Limerick in Kildimo in Griffith’s Valuation of 1850. (Feheney 2013, 22; Griffith, 1850, 47)

Connery, Rev William (c.1818-88) Limerick

William Connery was born about 1818 and entered St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, on 26 August 1844. He was ordained priest on 11 July 1850. His appointments in the diocese included: Fedamore/ Manister, curate, 1850-51/52; St Munchin’s, curate, 1851/2-1853; Effin, curate, 1853-58; Killdimo/ Pallaskenry, curate, 1858-1864; Shanagolden, curate, 1864- 1872. On 14 January, 1873, he was appointed Parish Priest of Ardpatrick, where he remained until his transfer, as Parish Priest, to Effin on 18 April, 1879. He remained in this post until his death on 26 January, 1888. He was a brother of Fr Michael Connery (qv), who was ordained in 1860 (qv) and is thought to have been born in Court, Kildimo. (Tobin, 2004, 17)

Connolly, Sr Brigid Angela (1870-1933) FCJ

Brigid Connolly, daughter of John Connolly and his wife, May Ann McNamara, was born in Ballycullane, Glin, Co. Limerick, on 13 June 1870. She entered the Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ) in Melbourne, Australia, on 31 March 1892. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Angela. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She taught for several years in Australia before her transfer to Europe. She died on 30 May 1933. (INSCCA 1838-1918)

Connors, Rev John (1911-84) Limerick

John Connors was born in Adare in July 1911. Subsequently, his family moved from Adare to Kilfinny and thence to Dublin. He attended St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, where he completed his seminary studies and was ordained priest in June 1936. He served as curate in several parishes, before his appointment as Parish Priest of Monagea in 1965. In 1974, he was transferred to Ardagh/ Carrickerry in the same capacity and served there until his death. He died on 13 April 1984, aged 72 years, and was buried in the church grounds, Ardagh, Co. Limerick. (CBS PPU, #3, 51)

Conway, Rev John (1872-1931) Limerick

John Conway was born in Tournafulla, Co. Limerick, and baptised in the parish church on 10 December 1872. He entered St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, where he completed his studies and was ordained priest on 20 June 1897. After ordination, he was sent to the Dunboyne Institute, Maynooth, for postgraduate studies. He was then appointed curate, successively, in Tournafulla (1899-1903); Glin (1893-1895) and Bruff (1895-1926). On 28 May 1926, he was appointed Parish Priest of Glenroe (1926-1931). He remained in this post until his death on 30 August 1931. He was buried in the church grounds, Glenroe, Co. Limerick. He was a brother of Rev Patrick Conway (qv). (Tobin, 2004, 20)

Conway, Rev Patrick (1877-1933) Limerick

Patrick Conway was born in Tournafulla, Co. Limerick, and baptised in the parish church on 18 February 1877. He entered St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, in 1895, and after completing his studies, was ordained priest in Maynooth on 22 June 1902. Following ordination, he was sent on loan to Ballyscullion in the diocese of Derry. On his return to the diocese of Limerick, he was appointed curate, successively, in Donaghmore (1807); Shanagolden (1907-1911); St Munchin’s (1911-1912); Ardpatrick (1912-

1913); Manister (1913-1914); Ardpatrick (1914-1919) and Croom (1919- 1922). In 1922, his health deteriorated and he retired to Belmont Park Nursing Home, Waterford, where he remained until his death on 12 October 1933, at the age of 56 Years. He was buried in Belmont Park, Waterford. He was a brother of Rev John Conway (qv) (Tobin, 2004, 21)

Copps, Rev Michael (c.1737-1817) Limerick

Michael Copps was born in the barony of Kenry and became parish priest of Ardcanny in the first quarter of the nineteenth century. It would also appear that he was an able student, since he held the advanced degree of Doctor of Divinity (DD). He was parish priest of Ardcanny for at least ten years before his death. He lived in a cottage, on the site of the present Salesian College. The name, Copsewood, derived from his surname, was given to the house built by General James Caulfeild, on the site of Fr Copps’ cottage. Copps’ relatives continued to reside in the parish of Kildimo/Pallaskenry and the late Joe Copps/Copes claimed to be a relative

of the priest. Fr Copps died on 3 March 1817, aged 80 years. He was buried in nearby Killurach cemetery, Pallaskenry, where his gravestone still lies. (Joseph Copse to JMF, 2001)

Corbett, Sr Johanna Conception (1845-1920) RGS

Johanna Corbett, daughter of Nicholas Corbett and his wife, Margaret Gleeson, was born in Askeaton, Co. Limerick, on 12 September 1845. She joined the Sisters of Good Shepherd (RGS) in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, on 1 January 1865. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Immaculate Conception. At the end of her novitiate, she made made profession of vows. She spent her entire life in Australia, dying at Oakleigh, Victoria, on 9 August 1920. She was buried in Oakleigh, Vic., Au. (INSCCA 1838-1918)

Corbett, Sr Penelope De Sales (1898-1962) RSM

Penelope Corbett, daughter of Patrick Corbett and his wife, Hannah Tierney, was born in Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, on 7 June 1898. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Cobh, Co. Cork, on 15 August 1925. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister De Sales. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows at Bellavista, Cobh, Co. Cork, on 2 May 1925. She spent most of her life teaching at Rushbrooke, Co. Cork. She died on 3 June 1962 and was interred in the cemetery attached to the Convent of Mercy, Rushbrooke, Co. Cork. (RSM SP, DL 8/5/16)

Costello, Rev William (1916-95) CSSp

William Costello was born in Rathkeale, Co. Limerick, on 30 January 1916. He entered the Spiritan congregation (CSSp) in Kimmage, Dublin, but, following initial studies, transferred to the US province, where he was ordained priest in 1945. He then joined the CSSp mission in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, where he ministered for several years. Subsequently, he ministered in Nairobi and mastered the Swahili language. In 1984, he undertook chaplaincy work in England. He died on 25 February 1995 and was interred in the cemetery attached to Kimmage scholasticate, Dublin. (Farragher, ISR, 77)

Costello, Sr Bridget Evangelist (1844-1930) RSM

Bridget Costello, daughter of John and Margaret Costello, was born in Rathkeale, Co. Limerick, in 1844. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Pontypool, South Wales, in 1868. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Evangelist. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows at Pontypool on 18 August 1871. She died on 14 April 1930 and was buried in Balgay Cemetery, Dundee, Scotland. (RSM UK, 4/3/15)

Costello, Sr Eileen Martin (1889-1973) SMG

Eileen (Eily) Costello was born in Cloonleharde, Ballyhahill, Co. Limerick, on 14 April 1889. She entered the Poor Servants of the Mother of God (SMG) on 22 February 1907. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Josephine. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 8 September 1909. She ministered for many years in Rome. She died on 3 November 1973 and was interred in Ealing, London. She was a sister of Sr Johanna Josephine Costello SMG (qv). (SMG JO’R, 6/9/15)

Costello, Sr Helena Angela (1870-1954) RSM

Helena Costello was born in Rathkeale, Co. Limerick in 1870. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at St Anne’s Convent, Mohill, Co. Leitrim, in 1890. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary Angela, by which she was subsequently known. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in January 1893. She spent her entire life in Mohill, and, for much of it, was engaged in teaching. She died on 11 June, 1954, and was buried in the cemetery attached to the Convent of Mercy, Mohill, Co. Leitrim. (RSM SP, DL 30/5/14)

Costello, Sr Johanna Josephine (1899-1967) SMG

Johanna Costello was born in Cloonleharde, Ballyhahill, Co. Limerick, on 26 August 1899. She entered the Poor Servants of the Mother of God (SMG) in the UK on 5 November 1921. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Josephine. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 14 July 1923. She taught

in Gloucester, Liverpool and Rome. She died on 7 March 1967 and was buried in Streatham Vale, London, UK. She was a sister of Sr Eileen Martin Costello SMG (qv). (SMG, JO’R, 6/9/15)

Costello, Sr Mary Stanislaus (1905-48) RSM

Mary Brigid Costello, daughter of Patrick and Catherine Costello, was born in Rathkeale, Co. Limerick, on 4 April, 1905. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Newtownforbes, Co. Longford, on 9 July, 1927. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new name, Sister Mary Stanislaus. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in Newtownforbes on 3 April, 1930. She spent the remainder of her life in Newtownforbes and died there on 8 January, 1948. She was buried in the cemetery attached to the Convent of Mercy, Newtownforbes, Co. Longford. (RSM SP, DL 30/5/14)

Cotter, Most Rev Timothy (1916-88) OSA, Bishop

Timothy Kieran Cotter was born in Killenagh, Dromtrasna, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 14 June 1916. At the end of his secondary schooling, he joined the Order of St Augustine (OSA). On completion of his novitiate at Orlagh, Templeogue, Dublin, he went to Rome for his clerical training and was ordained priest there on 13 July 1941. In 1943, he was assigned to the Augustinian missions in Nigeria and, on 5 July 1962, he was appointed Prefect of Maiduguri, Borno State, North-eastern Nigeria. Four years later, on 7 June 1966, he was appointed Bishop of Maiduguri and ministered in this capacity for the next 22 years. He died on 15 March 1988, at the age of 71, while still in office. His remains were interred in the Cathedral at Maiduguiri, North-Eastern Nigeria. (Dromtrasna School Mag)

Cotter, Rev James (1889-1954) Galveston

James William Cotter was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 1 August 1889. He was ordained priest for the diocese of Galveston, Texas, USA, on 6 June 1914. Subsequently, he transferred to the diocese (now archdiocese) of Detroit, MI. Among the parishes, in which he served, were St Mary’s, Williamston, MI, where he was Pastor (1924-1929); Holy Name, Birmingham MI (1929-1940); St Mary’s, Adrain MI (1940-1942); St Rita’s Detroit, MI (1942-1954). He died in Ionia, Michigan, on 6 February 1954 and was interred in that city. (Detroit, HC, 10/9/15)

Cotter, Sr Catherine Benedicta (1933-2012) RSM

Catherine Cotter, daughter of Maurice Cotter and his wife, Helen O’Donoghue, was born in Cratloe West, Athea, Co. Limerick, on 20 March 1933. She joined the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at St John’s, Balloonagh, Tralee, on 24 September 1951. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary Benedicta. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in 1954. She then trained as a nurse in the Mercy Hospital, Cork. After qualifying, she held nursing posts in St Catherine’s County Hospital, Tralee, retiring with 40 years’ service. In 2003, she began to provide a Pastoral Ministry Service for Cúil Didín Residential Care Community. She died at Kerry General Hospital Tralee on 5 August 2012. She was buried in New Rath Cemetery, Tralee, Co. Kerry (RSM SP, DL 29/12/14)

Cotter, Sr Catherine Mary (1913-75) SOSJ

Catherine Cotter, daughter of John and Mary Ellen Cotter, was born in Glenduff, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 17 March 1913. She attended the Juniorate of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart (SOSJ) at Newmarket, Co. Cork. She joined this congregation and was sent to Australia. She arrived at the novitiate, Mount Street, Sydney, NSW, on 8 December 1932. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Catherine Mary. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in Sydney on 6 January 1935. She qualified as a teacher and taught in several parts of Australia. She died in Sydney on 4 October 1975. She was buried in the Josephite burial plot, Macquarie Park, Sydney, NSW. She was one of six sisters in the SOSJ congregation. (SOSJ 2015)

Cotter, Sr Eileen Martina (1897-1994) RSM

Eileen Cotter, daughter of Philip Cotter and his wife, Mary O’Sullivan, was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 19 April 1897. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, on 18 March 1916. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Martina. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She spent all her life in Australia, dying in Victoria on 11 January 1994. She was buried in Victoria. She was a sister of Sr Margaret Denise Cotter (qv) (INSCCA 1838-1918)

Cotter, Sr Ellen Lelia (1905-96) SOSJ

Ellen Mary Cotter, daughter of John and Mary Ellen Cotter, was born in Glenduff, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 16 May 1905. She attended the Juniorate of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart (SOSJ) at Newmarket, Co. Cork. She joined this congregation and was sent to Australia. She arrived at the novitiate in Mount Street, Sydney, NSW, on 5 September 1923. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Lelia. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in Sydney on 6 January 1926. She qualified as a teacher and spent most of her religious life in the classroom. She died in Sydney, NSW, on 26 July 1996 She was buried in the Josephite burial plot, Macquarie Park, Sydney, NSW. She was one of six sisters in the SOSJ congregation. (SOSJ 2015, JM 2015)

Cotter, Sr Helen Augustine (1918-95) LCM

Helen Cotter, daughter of John Cotter and his wife, Helen McCarthy, was born in Dromtrasna, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 18 August 1918. She entered the Little Company of Mary (LCM) at Hillingdon, London, on 26 October 1939. When receiving the religious habit at the Mother House in Rome on 11 October 1940, she also received a new religious name, Sister Augustine. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 11 October 1942. She was retained on the staff at the Mother House in Rome until 1968, when she was transferred to the LCM convent in Florence. In 1972, she was transferred to the LCM convent in Fiesole, Italy, where she remained until her death on 7 May 1995. She was interred in the LCM burial plot at Fiesole, Italy. She was a sister of Sr Teresa Cotter DMJ and of Bishop Timothy Cotter OSA. (LCM CK, 29/9/15).

Cotter, Sr Ita Benita (1913-2002) SOSJ

Ita Cotter, daughter of John and Mary Ellen Cotter, was born in Glenduff, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 17 March 1917. She attended the Juniorate of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart (SOSJ) at Newmarket, Co. Cork. She joined this congregation and was sent to Australia. She arrived at the novitiate, Mount Street, Sydney, NSW, on 17 December 1931. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Benita. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in Sydney on 25 May 1934. She qualified as a teacher and spent most of her religious

life in the classroom. She went to New Zealand and worked in Eastbourne for several years. She died in Sydney on 22 October 2002. She was buried in the Josephite burial plot, Macquarie Park, Sydney, NSW. She was one of six sisters in the SOSJ congregation. (SOSJ 2015; JM, 2015)

Cotter, Sr Johanna Benedict (1914-82) SOSJ

Johanna or Josephine Cotter, daughter of John and Mary Ellen Cotter, was born in Glenduff, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 4 October 1914. She attended the Juniorate of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart (SOSJ) at Newmarket, Co. Cork. She joined this congregation and was sent to Australia. She arrived at the novitiate, Mount Street, Sydney, NSW, on 20 October 1937. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Benedict. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in Sydney on 25 May 1939. She qualified as a teacher and taught in several places in Australia. She died on 19 February 1982 and was buried in Panmure Cemetery, Auckland, New Zealand. She was one of six Cotter sisters in the SOSJ congregation. (SOSJ 2015, JM 2015)

Cotter, Sr Margaret Denise (1895-1994) RSM

Margaret Cotter, daughter of Philip Cotter and his wife, Mary O’Sullivan, was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 9 October 1895. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, on 6 March 1915. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Denise. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She spent the rest of her life in Australia, dying in Kyneton, Victoria, on 21 May 1967. She was buried in Kyneton, Vic. She was a sister of Sr Eileen Martina Cotter (qv). (INSCCA 1838-1918)

Cotter, Sr Margaret Patrick (1907-82) SOSJ

Margaret (Madge) Cotter, daughter of John and Mary Ellen Cotter, was born in Glenduff, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 20 May 1907. She attended the Juniorate of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart (SOSJ) at Newmarket, Co. Cork. She joined this congregation and was sent to Australia. She arrived at the novitiate in Mount Street, Sydney, NSW, on 22 December 1926. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Patrick. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in Sydney on 6 January 1929. She qualified as a teacher

and taught in several places in Australia and New Zealand, especially Waiora. She died in New Zealand on 19 February 1982 and was buried in Panmure Cemetery, Auckland, New Zealand. She was one of six sisters in the SOSJ congregation. (SOSJ 2015, JM 2015)

Cotter, Sr Mary Arsenius (1904-72) SOSJ

Mary (Molly) Cotter, daughter of John and Mary Ellen Cotter, was born in Glenduff, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 8 November 1904. She attended the Juniorate of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart (SOSJ) at Newmarket, Co. Cork. She joined this congregation and was sent to Australia. She arrived at the novitiate in Mount Street, Sydney, NSW, on 9 November 1920. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Arsenius. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in Sydney on 6 January 1923. She qualified as a teacher and taught in several places in Australia and New Zealand, including Matata. She died in New Zealand on 28 April 1972, aged 67 years. She was buried in Panmure Cemetery, Auckland, New Zealand. She was one of six sisters in the SOSJ congregation. (SOSJ 2015, JM 2015)

Cotter, Sr Teresa Josephine (1914-2011) DMJ

Teresa Cotter, daughter of Thomas and Eileen Cotter, was born in Dromtrasna, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 2 April 1914. She entered the Daughters of Mary and Joseph (DMJ) in Scarborough, UK, in 1935. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in 1937. She went to the USA in 1939, joining the DMJ mission in Los Angeles, CA. She spent most of her life in the classroom, teaching in Saint Augustine, Saint James, Saint Anthony, Saint Sebastian, Melode and Palms. Subsequently, she worked in Culver City, CA. She died on 22 September 2011 and was buried in CA, USA. (DMJ, AN 28/3/16)

Coughlan, Sr Anne Simeon (1944-98) PBVM

Anne Coughlan was born in Cloncrippa House, Feenagh, Co. Limerick, on 13 October 1944. She joined the Presentation Sisters (PBVM), entering the novitiate, Castleconnell, on 24 March 1962. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Simeon. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 30 March 1964. She then joined the English province in Matlock, Derbyshire. She completed her

teacher training course, qualified as a teacher, and taught at Huddersfield (1969-84), where she was also superior; Lilybank, Derbyshire (1984-88); St Mary’s, Bicester Oxon. (1988-94) and Ryde, Isle of Wight (1994-96). In 1996, she went to work in Sichili, Zambia, where she became administrator of the local hospital. She was killed in an automobile accident in Zambia on 19 April 1998. He remains were returned to Ireland and buried in Kilmeedy cemetery, Co. Limerick. (PBVM SR 28/11/14)

Cowper, Rev James (1896-1975) Limerick

James Cowper, son of Thomas and Mary Anne Cowper, was born in Bridge Street, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, in 1896. He was educated at St Patrick’s Seminary Maynooth and the Irish College, Rome, where where he was awarded a Doctor of Divinity degree. He was ordained priest in Rome on 12 March 1921. Following his ordination, he served as curate, successively, in Ardpatrick (1921-1922); Donoughmore (1922-1924) and St Michael’s (1924-1942). In 1942, he was appointed Administrator of St Patrick’s and its Parish Priest in 1946. The same year he was appointed a Canon of the Cathedral Chapter. In 1946, he was appointed Parish Priest of Kilmallock. He died at Milford House, Limerick, on 4 March 1979, and was buried in the church grounds, Killmallock, Co. Limerick (LDA, 26/2/16)

Creedon, Br John Francis (1910-88) CFC

John Creedon, son of Martin and Catherine Creedon, was born in Ashgrove, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, in 1910. He joined the Christian Brothers (CFC). When receiving the religious habit, he also received a new religious name, Brother Francis. He qualified as a teacher at the Marino Institute of Education, after which he attended the National University of Ireland (UCD) and obtained a degree. He taught in CFC schools in Cahirciveen, Neenagh and Ennistymon. He was also superior in Thurles. He spent his later years in the CFC Rest Home, Baldoyle, Dublin, where he died in 1988. He was a brother of Br Patrick T Creedon CFC (qv) (Duhig, NCW, 15/10/15)

Creedon, Br Patrick Theodore (1919-98) CFC

Patrick Creedon, son of Martin and Catherine Creedon, was born in Ashgrove, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, in 1919. In 1934, he joined

the Christian Brothers (CFC). When receiving the religious habit, he also received a new religious name, Brother Theodore. At the end of his novitiate, he made profession of vows in 1944. He qualified as a National teacher at Marino Institute of Education, Dublin, after which he taught in several CFC schools, including Templemore, Westland Row (Dublin) Charleville, Kilkenny and Portlaoise. He died in Portlaoise in 1998 and was buried in the cemetery attached to the CFC monastery there. He was a brother of Br John F Creedon CFC (qv) ((Duhig, NCW, 15/10/15)

Cregan, Rev Denis (1811-92) Limerick

Denis Cregan was born in Shanagolden, Co. Limerick, in 1811. He entered St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, where he was ordained priest in 1838. Following his ordination, he was appointed curate, successively, in Coolcappa (1838-1840); Newcastle West (1840-1850) and Adare (1850-1860). In 1860, he was appointed Parish Priest of Bruree, where he remained until his transfer to Bruff as Parish Priest in 1866. He died as Parish Priest of Bruff on 22 January 1892, and was buried in the church grounds. He held the following diocesan appointments: Vicar Forane (1864); Vicar General and Archdeacon (1866) and Dean of the Diocese (1885). (Tobin, 2004, 23)

Cregan, Rev Donal (1911-95) CM

Donal Francis Cregan was born in The Square, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, on 16 May 1911. In 1930 he joined the Vincentian Congregation (CM) in Dublin. He studied at the National University (UCD) obtaining degrees BA, MA and PhD. He was ordained priest in 1936. After some years in Castleknock College (1937-1957), he was appointed to St Patrick’s College of Education, Dublin, where he became President. He was also chairman of the Irish Manuscript Commission for ten years. He died on 13 October 1995. (CM, 2015)

Cregan, Rev James (1938-2010) Pensacola

James Cregan, son of Joseph Cregan and his wife, Mary Madigan, was born in Cappagh, Co. Limerick, on 1 August 1938. He studied for the priesthood at St Patrick’s College, Thurles, and was ordained priest on 9 June, 1963. He joined the diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, USA, and spent 46 years ministering there. In addition to serving in parishes in

Montgomery, AL, Starke and Quincy, he also served as chaplain to the National Guard and Florida State Prison. He died in the Catholic rectory in Lanark village, Florida, on 3 April 2010, and was buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, Pensacola, FLA. (The Times, Apalachicola & Carrabelle, USA, 5/4/2010)

Cremin, Br Patrick Cornelius (1922-90) CFC

Patrick Cremin, son of David and Kate Cremin, was born in Ballydoorty, Castlemahon, Co. Limerick, in 1922. He attended Castlemahon National School before entering the Christian Brothers Juniorate at St Helen’s, Booterstown, Co. Dublin, in 1937. Taking the name, Brother Cornelius, he made his religious profession at the end of his novitiate. He then entered Marino Teacher Training College, where he qualified as a teacher. He taught in Booterstown, Marino, Tralee, Swords, Zambia, Piltown, Artane and Baldoyle. He made Perpetual Vows in 1950. He died on 13 June, 1990. (CFC, 2016)

Cremin, Rev Maurice (1847-86) Limerick

Maurice Cremin was born in Ardagh, Co. Limerick, in 1847. He studied for the priesthood and was ordained priest at the Convent of Perpetual Adoration, Limerick, on 8 August 1880. Following ordination, he was sent on loan to the diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, UK, where he remained for five years. On his return to the diocese of Limerick, he was appointed curate in Ardagh, where he died on 26 October 1886, at the age of 33 years. He was buried in the Catholic church, Ardagh, Co. Limerick. (LDA, 2016)

Cremin, Rev William (1913-74) Kansas City

William J Cremin was born in Maiden Street, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, on 16 September 1913. He was ordained priest and, after ordination, went to India, where he eventually became secretary to the Bishop of Kisnagar City, Bengal. At the conclusion of World War II, he transferred to the USA, where he ministered in Kansas. He died in Fulton KS in April 1974 and was interred in St Michael’s Cemetery, Fulton, Bourbon County, Kansas, USA. (

Cremin, Sr Katherine Ita (1896-1977) RSM

Katherine Cremin, daughter of Daniel Cremin and his wife, Brigid Brennan, was born in Ballintubber, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 27 April 1896. On 24 September 1915, she entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. Following a period of postulancy, she received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Sister Mary Ita, on 2 April 1916. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 3 April 1918. She spent her life teaching, first in Abbeyfeale and later in Ballingarry. She specialised in teaching music and singing. She died on 30 July 1977, and was buried in the Mercy community burial plot, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. She was a sister of Sr Mary Kevin Cremin RSM (qv). (JM 2015)

Cremin, Sr Mary Kevin (1900-72) RSM

Mary Cremin, daughter of Daniel Cremin and his wife, Brigid Brennan, was born in Ballintubber, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 27 April 1900. On 3 October 1920, she entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. Following a period of postulancy, she received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Sister Mary Kevin, on 10 April 1921. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 26 June 1926. She taught junior classes in the primary school in Abbeyfeale and Ballingarry. She died on 4 July 1972, and was buried in the Sisters of Mercy burial plot in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. She was a sister of Sr Katherine Ita Cremin RSM. (JM 2015)

Cribbin, Rev John (1936-2011) OMI

John Cribbin was born in Shanagolden, Co. Limerick, on 9 October 1936. On completion of his secondary schooling, he entered the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) in Piltown, Co. Kilkenny. At the end of his novitiate, he made his religious profession. He then studied philosophy at UCD and theology at Piltown, before being ordained priest on 24 September 1961. The following year he went on the OMI missions in Brazil, ministering in Sao Simao and Goias State in the interior of the county. In 1966, he moved to Rio de Janeiro and worked in the favelas (shanty towns). On 10 July 1989, he received a prestigious award, the Pedro Ernesto Medal, for his outstanding service to the underprivileged citizens of that great city. He died on 18 September 2011 and was buried in Brazil. (OMI, 2015)

Cronin, Rev James (191480) CSSp

James Cronin, son of Patrick and Annie Cronin, was born in Askeaton, Co. Limerick, on 4 February 1914. He entered the Spiritan Congregation (CSSp) congregation in 1932 in Kimmage Manor. In 1937, he was sent to study theology in Rome, where he was ordained priest on 23 June 1940. He also obtained a Doctorate in Divinity (DD) degree at the Gregorian University in 1942. The next year he joined the Holy Ghost mission in Nigeria, landing on a stretcher, and continuing to be a sick man during his entire stay in Nigeria. In 1947, he returned to Ireland, following a serious illness, and taught at Kimmage Manor and Rockwell College. In 1971, he began attending Cuan Mhuire Clinic, Athy, Co. Kildare. He stayed on as chaplain to the clinic and began to promote Alcoholics Anonymous. In the 1970s, he was diagnosed as suffering from cancer and he died at St Luke’s Hospital, Dublin, on 18 August 1980 and was interred in the CSSp burial plot in Dublin. (Farragher, ISR, 86)

Cronin, Rev Patrick (1835-1905) Buffalo

Patrick Cronin, brother of the poet, Edward Cronin, was born in Adare on 1 March 1835. After the death of his mother, he and his family immigrated to the USA and settled in St Louis, MO. He attended St Louis University and completed studies for the priesthood. After ordination, he ministered for four years in Hannibal Mo, before taking up a post as Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres at the Seminary of Our Lady of the Angels, Buffalo, NY. There he became editor of the College newspaper, after which he was appointed editor of the diocesan newspaper, The Catholic Union and Times, in Buffalo, New York. He also contributed poems to his own and other newspapers in the USA. He is represented in several Irish-American anthologies and in T. D. Sullivan’s, anthology, Irish Nationalist Poems by Irish Priests, Gill & Sons: 1911. He died suddenly of a heart attack in 1905 and was buried in Buffalo, NY. (Buffalo, Murphy, 28/x/14)

Crotty, Rev Daniel (c.1846-1913) Limerick

Daniel Crotty was born in Carheeny, Kildimo, Co. Limerick, around 1846. He was educated at the Jesuit College, Limerick (1862-1866). On completion of his ecclesiastical studies, he was ordained at St John’s Cathedral, Limerick, on 6 October, 1872. After ordination he served as a curate in St Munchin’s (1872), Banogue (1872-73), Ballyagran (1873-

74), Cratloe (1874-78), Feenagh (1878), Killeedy (1878-79), Glenroe

(1879-81), Tournafulla (1881-83), Croagh (1883-88), Askeaton (1888),

Donaghmore (1888-89), Manister (1889-90), Donaghmore (1890-92),

Ballyagran (1892-1902), Donaghmore (1902-07). He died on 2 April 1913 and was buried in Mount St Lawrence Cemetery (#6819), Limerick. He was an active supporter of the Land League and voiced his support for Limerick priests, like Father Eugene Sheehy, who, for advocacy of agrarian reform, was imprisoned, under the terms of the Coercion Act. (Tobin, 2004, 24; NAI, census, 1911; Limerick Jesuit Centenary Record, 1859-1959).

Crowley, Rev David (d.1998) Limerick

David Crowley was born in Newcastle West, Co. Limerick. He was ordained priest on 18 June 1939. After ordination, he was appointed curate, successively, in Banogue (1940), Bruree (1940-1941), Tournafulla (1941-1943), Kilfinane (1943-1955) and Kilmallock (1955-1967). On 23 January 1967, he was nominated Parish Priest of Cappagh. On 14 October 1969, he was transferred to Donoghmore as Parish Priest, where he remained for eleven years. On 23 August 1990, he was transferred to Kildimo/ Pallaskenry, as Parish Priest. The same year he was appointed a Canon of the cathedral chapter. He died in Kildimo on 7 November 1998, and was buried in the church grounds, Kildimo. (LDA, 2015).

Crowley, Rev Edward (19222002) CSSp

Edward Crowley, son of John Crowley and Zita O’Connell, was born in West Square, Askeaton, on 11 January 1922. He entered the Holy Ghost Congregation (like his older brother, Tim) in Kilshane and made his profession on 8 September 1941. From 1947 to 1951, he studied theology at the Holy Ghost Scholasticate, Kimmage Manor, Dublin, after which he was ordained priest at Clonliffe College, Dublin, on 23 December, 1950. After ordination, he joined the Spiritan mission in the diocese of Owerri, Nigeria, where he taught in secondary school and the Teacher Training College, Mbulu Newa. With failing health, he returned to Ireland in 1965 and, subsequently, undertook ministry in the dioceses of Nottingham and Southwark, England. In 1970, he went to the USA and had some thirty years of fruitful ministry in New Orleans, California, Arizona and Arkansas. He

returned to Ireland in September 2002 and died at the Limerick Regional Hospital on 5 November 2002. He was interred in Relig Mhuire, Askeaton, Co. Limerick. (Feheney, 2007 22)

Crowley, Rev Maurice (d.1976) Limerick

Maurice Crowley completed his ecclesiastical studies at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, and was ordained in Waterford on 17 June 1934. After ordination, he was appointed curate, successively, in Fedamore (1939- 1943), Kilmeedy (1943-1953), Kildimo/ Pallaskenry (1953-1959) and Bruff (1959-1966). On 16 February 1966, he was appointed Parish Priest of Glenroe. Early in 1976, he resigned his post, owing to ill-health. He died in the presbytery, Glenroe, on 2 November 1976, and was buried in the church grounds, Glenroe, Co. Limerick, two days later. (LDA, 2015)

Crowley, Rev Patrick (1916-91) Dublin

Patrick Crowley was born in Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, on 8 September 1916. He was ordained priest in Maynooth on 21 June 1942. Following ordination, he was appointed chaplain to the Loreto Convent, Crumlin (1942-1944) before his appointment as Assistant Priest at St Michael’s, Inchicore (1944-1945). He was than appointed curate, successively, in Saggart (1945-1949); Kilcullen (1949-1952); Blanchardstown (1952-

1962); Dalkey (1962-1968); Blackrock (1968); Marino (1968-1975) and Rolestown (1975-1991). He was appointed a Canon of the Cathedral Chapter in 1988. He died on 25 June 1991. (Gaughan, 2012, 71)

Crowley, Rev Timothy (19122002) CSSp

Tim Crowley, son of John Crowley and Zita O’Connell, was born in Ballingarry, Co. Limerick, on 30 August 1912. His family subsequently moved to Askeaton. He entered the Holy Ghost Congregation, making his profession on 8 September 1932. He completed his ecclesiastical studies at Kimmage Manor, Dublin, and was ordained to the priesthood on 25 June 1939. He then went to Africa and ministered in the diocese of Owerri, Nigeria. He remained in Nigeria until 1967, when, like many other missionaries, he had to leave because of the civil war. He then took up ministry in the USA, first in New Orleans and, subsequently, in Brooklyn. He subsequently served in Sierra Leone. In 1988, he retired to the Kimmage community. Due to illhealth, he spent his remaining years in

Marian House, Kimmage Manor, where he died on 14 September 2002, two months before his brother, Rev Eddy Crowley (qv). He was buried in Dardistown cemetery, Co. Dublin. (Farragher, ISR, 88)

Culhane, Rev George (1856-1934) Limerick

George Culhane was born in Cappagh, Co. Limerick, on 30 December 1856. He was ordained priest for the diocese of Limerick on 31 March 1888. Following his ordination, he was sent on loan to the archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, where he ministered in Perth and Edinburgh. On his return to Ireland, he was appointed curate, successively, in Ardagh/ Carrickerry (1891-1892); Feenagh/ Kilmeedy (1892-1896); Killeedy

(1896-1904) and Effin (1904-1916). On 22 Sepember 1916, he was appointed Parish Priest of Cratloe and was transferred to Bulgaden in the same capacity in 1923. He continued in this post until his death on 23 March 1934, at the age of 77 years. He was buried in the church grounds in Bulgaden, Co. Limerick. He was appointed a Canon of the Cathedral Chapter in 1923. He was a brother of Rev Stephen Culhane (qv) (Tobin, 2004, 25)

Culhane, Rev Maurice (1892-1974) Des Moines

Maurice Joseph Culhane, son of Maurice Culhane and his wife, Catherine Nolan, was born in Ballygiltenan Upper, Glin, Co. Limerick in 1892. He studied for the priesthood at St Kieran’s College, Kilkenny, and was ordained in 1954 for the diocese of Des Moines, Iowa, USA. His appointments included pastor of St Francis parish, Council Bluffs IA and pastor Immaculate Conception, Malloy IA, where he served for 49 years until his retirement in 1971. He died in Malloy IA on 7 October 1974 at the age of 83 and was was buried in the local cemetery. He was an uncle of Rev John Joe (qv) and Daniel Madigan (qv) ( 2/7/15)

Culhane, Rev Stephen (1858-1920) Limerick

Stephen Culhane was born in Cappagh, Rathkeale, Co. Limerick, on 4 November 1858. On completion of his seminary training, he was ordained on 8 June 1884. Following his ordination, he served brief periods as curate in St John’s and St Patrick’s, Limerick, before being seconded temporarily to the Archdiocese of St Andrew, Edinburgh. He continued working in Scotland until 1889, when he was recalled to Limerick. In the diocese

of Limerick, he was appointed curate, successively, in St John’s (1989); Fedamore (1898-1890), Ballingarry (1890-1908); Bulgaden (1908-1918) and Stonehall/ Kilcornan (1918-1920). Early in 1920, his health declined and he died in Stonehall on 4 April 1920. He was interred in the church grounds, Kilcornan, Co. Limerick. (Tobin, 2004, 26)

Culhane, Sr Bridget Anselm (1866-1940) HFB

Bridget Culhane was born in Dromcolliher, Co. Limerick, on 30 March 1866. She entered the Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux (HFB) at Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, UK, on 31 March 1883. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Anselm. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She spent the remainder of her life teaching in the UK. She died at Rock Ferry, UK, on 13 October 1940, and was buried in the cemetery attached to the convent. (HFB CM, 4/12/14)

Culhane, Sr Elizabeth Antoninus (1889-1910) SMG

Elizabeth (Lillian) Culhane, daughter of Thomas Maurice Culhane and his wife, Mary O’Shaughnessy, was born in Ballygiltenan Upper, Gin, Co. Limerick, on 20 July 1889. She joined the Poor Servants of the Mother of God (SMG) in England on 22 July 1907. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Antoninus. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 8 December 1909. By this time, however, she was suffering from tuberculosis, from which she died on 27 January 1910, at the early age of 21 years. She was buried in Mortlake, London, UK (SMG JO’R, 6/9/15)

Culhane, Sr Ellen Canice (1896-1995) RSM

Ellen Culhane, daughter of Michael Culhane and his wife, Elizabeth Fitzgibbon, was born in Glin, Co. Limerick, on 7 October 1896. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Balloonagh, Tralee, Co. Kerry, on 29 October 1916. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Canice. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows 24 April 1919. She then trained as a nurse at Mercy Hospital Cork, graduating in 1929. She followed this with a special qualification in Fever Nursing in 1932. She was then appointed theatre nurse in St Catherine’s Hospital, Tralee, a post which she held until her

retirement. Among her hobbies were gardening and crochet. She died at the Mercy Convent, Balloonagh, Tralee, on 10 January 1995 and was interred in the cemetery attached to the convent. She was a niece of Sr Margaret Canice Culhane (qv). (RSM SP, DL 7/5/16)

Culhane, Sr Margaret Canice (1872-1909) RSM

Margaret Culhane, daughter of Robert Culhane and his wife, Catherine Hanley, was born in Glin, Co. Limerick, on 3 February 1872. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Balloonagh, Tralee, Co. Kerry, on 8 May 1893. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Canice. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. Her life, however, was short. She died in Balloonagh on 19 April 1909 and was interred in the cemetery attached to the Mercy Convent, Balloonagh, Tralee, Co. Kerry. She was an aunt of Sr Ellen Canice Culhane (qv). (RSM SP, DL 7/5/1/6)

Culhane, Sr Margaret Concepta (1892-1988) SMG

Margaret Culhane, daughter of Thomas Culhane and his wife, Mary O’Shaughnessy, was born in Ballygiltenane, Glin, Co. Limerick, on 7 December 1892. She entered the Poor Servants of the Mother of God (SMG) in England on 27 June 1912. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Anne Concepta. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 8 December 1914. She ministered in Sussex, Wiltshire and Liverpool. She died on 28 January 1989 and was buried in Allerton, Liverpool, UK. She was a sister of Sr Elizabeth Antoninus Culhane SMG (qv) (SMG, JO’R, 6/9/15)

Culhane, Sr Mary Ursula (1882-1956) RSM

Mary Culhane was born in Glin, Co. Limerick, in 1882. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) in Dundee, Scotland, in 1906. When receiving the religious habit in 1907, she also received a new religious name, Sister Ursula. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in Dundee in 1909. She spent the remainder of her life in Scotland, dying in Dundee on 29 November 1956. She was buried in Balgay Cemetery, Dundee, Scotland. (RSM UK, JS 4/3/15)

Cullinane, Rev John (1892-1960) Port Pirie

John Francis Cullinane, son of Charles Cullinane and his wife, Mary Nolan, was born in Mount Pleasant, Barigone, Co. Limerick, and baptised in Robertstown Catholic church on 15 May 1892. He studied for the priesthood and was ordained priest for the diocese of Port Pirie, Adelaide, South Australia. He ministered for much of his life in Streaky Bay, South Australia. He died on 5 December 1960 and was buried in Streaky Bay, South Australia. (Au Cat Dict)

Cummane, Rev John (1855-99) Milwaukee

John Cummane was born in Loughill, Co. Limerick, and baptised on 10 January 1855. He entered St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, on 2 September 1874, and, on completion of his studies, was ordained in St John’s Cathedral, Limerick, on 29 June, 1881. Following his ordination, he went on loan to the archdiocese of Halifax, Nova Scotia, for five years. In 1892, he went to St Mary’s College, Milwaukee WI, as Professor of Rhetoric, He was then appointed curate in the diocese of Milwaukee with periods in Truro, WI (1893-1895) and Oskosh, WI (1895-1896) and Chitton, WI (1896-1897). In 1897, he was appointed Parish Priest of St Mary’s Portage, WI (1897-1899). He died there on 31 July 1899 at the age of 44 years. (Tobin, 2004, 26)

Curtin, Br John Columba (1892-1924) FPM

John Curtin, son of John Curtin and his wife, Bridget Mulvihill, was born in Glenquin, Ashford, Co. Limerick, and baptised in Ashford church on 6 April 1892. He entered the Presentation Brothers Preparatory School, Cork, on 24 September 1908. He received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Brother Columba, on 17 April 1909. On completion of his novitiate, he made profession of vows on 7 April 1912. His first assignment was the Presentation Brothers School, Milltown, Co. Kerry, where he taught for some years. He was subsequently assigned to St Joseph’s Orphanage, Orpington, Kent, where he taught for several years. He died at Orpington on 11 April 1924, at the early age of 32 years. He was buried in the cemetery on the campus at Orpington, Kent. (Feheney, 2013, 63)

Curtin, Rev Daniel (c.1838-1913) Limerick

Daniel Curtin, a native of the parish of Monagea, was born about 1838. He was ordained on 13 April 1868. His first appointment was as curate in Coolcappa (1868-70). He was then appointed curate, successively, in Glenroe (1870-1876); Pallaskenry/ Kildimo (1876-1887); Colmanswell (1887-1891). On 14 June 1892, he was appointed Parish Priest of Glenroe, where he remained until 1913, when he retired, owing to ill-health. He died on 1 November 1913, aged 75. Laurence Curtin (qv), also a priest in the diocese of Limerick, was his brother. (Tobin, 2004, 26)

Curtin, Rev Daniel (1920-2003) CSSp

Daniel Francis Curtin was born in Ballycommane House, Tournafulla, Co. Limerick on 17 July 1920. He entered the Spiritan Spiritan congregation (CSSp) Novitiate in Kilshane where he made his first profession on 8 September, 1940. On completion of his theological studies, he was ordained priest on the 11 July 1948. In 1949, he went to Nigeria and assigned to the Vicariate of Owerri, Nigeria. In 1966, he returned to Ireland and was appointed to the teaching staff at Blackrock College. In 1980, he retired from teaching and was appointed to parish ministry. He served in Schull, Co. Cork, and then at St Andrew’s, Westland Row, Dublin. In 1986, he retired from full-time parish ministry, owing to the loss of an eye, and joined the community at St. Mary’s, Rathmines. He died at Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, on 20 March 2003. He was a brother of Rev Maurice (qv) and Rev Mgr Jerome Curtin (qv). He was interred in the Spiritan burial plot at Dardistown Cemetery, Dublin. (Farragher, ISR, 95)

Curtin, Rev Laurence (d.1924) Limerick

Laurence Curtin, a brother of Rev Daniel Curtin (qv), was born in the parish of Monagea. He was ordained in Rathkeale on 7 July 1878. His first appointment was as curate in the diocese of Clogher (1878-1879). He was then appointed curate, successively, in Cratloe (1879-1880); Loughill (1880-1881); Killeedy (1881-1887); Dromcolliher (1887-1889); St Munchin’s (1889-1891); Pallaskenry/ Kildimo (1892-1900). In September 1900, he was appointed Parish Priest of Cratloe, where he remained until his transfer to Feenagh/ Kilmeedy as Parish Priest in April 1909. He remained in this post until his death on 20 August 1924. He was buried in Feenagh, Co. Limerick. (Tobin, 2004, 27)

Curtin, Rev Michael Laurence (1925-92) OP

Though Michael Curtin, son of John Curtin and his wife, Kathleen Moynihan, was born and baptised in Cork, on 10 August 1925, his home place was Meenahela, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. Both his parents were National Teachers in Abbeyfeale. He was educated at Newbridge College, Co. Kildare, after which he entered the Dominican Order (OP) in Cork on 19 October 1944. When receiving the religious habit, he also received a new religious name, Brother Laurence. After making his profession on 20 October 1945, he began clerical studies and was ordained priest on 15 July 1951. After a period teaching at Newbridge College, he joined the retreat team at St Dominic’s Retreat Centre, Cork. In 1971, he volunteered for the Dominican mission in Trinidad and Tobago and ministered there for 20 years. With deteriorating health, he returned to Ireland and ministered in Sligo for two years. He died there on 29 February 1992 and was buried in the Dominican burial plot in the local cemetery, Sligo. (OP, 2014)

Curtin, Rev Timothy (1856-1936) Limerick

Timothy Curtin was born in Tournafulla, Co. Limerick, on 18 July 1856. He was ordained priest in Rome on 12 March 1881. Following his ordination, he was appointed curate, successively, in Ballingarry (1881); Cratloe (1881-82); Ballingarry (1882-86); Abbeyfeale (1886-95); Effin

(1895-98) and Kilmallock (1898-1902). On 16 December 1902, he was appointed Parish Priest of Cappagh (1902-08). In 1908, he was transferred to Croom in the same capacity. He was appointed a Canon of the Cathedral Chapter in 1895. He was also chaplain to the Workhouse in Croom. He died on 24 August 1936, at the age of 80 years. (Tobin, 2004, 28)

Curtin, Sr Anne De Pazzi (1850-1937) RSM

Anne Curtin, daughter of John and Catherine Curtin, was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 5 July 1850. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at St Mary’s Convent, Bishop Street, Limerick, 7 June 1872. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister De Pazzi. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 7 April, 1875. She ministered in the convent in Bishop Street for the rest of her life, dying on 10 April 1937. She was interred in the cemetery attached

to St Mary’s Mercy Convent, Limerick. She was a sister of Sr Honora Augustine Curtin (qv) and of Sr Catherine Joseph Curtin (qv). (RSM SC, AB 20/4/16)

Curtin, Sr Catherine Joseph (1867-1954) RSM

Catherine (Kate) Curtin, daughter of John and Catherine Curtin, was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 8 September 1867. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Kilrush, Co. Clare, on 8 February 1888. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary Joseph. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 24 August 1890. She remained in this convent for the remainder of her life, dying there on 6 June 1954. She was interred in the cemetery attached to the Convent of Mercy, Kilrush, Co. Clare. She was a sister of Sr Anne De Pazzi Curtin (qv) and of Sr Honora Augustine Curtin (qv). (RSM SC, AB 20/4/16)

Curtin, Sr Elizabeth (1899-1922) RSM

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Curtin, daughter of John and Brigid Curtin, was born in Bonavilla, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 1 March 1899. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Kilrush, Co. Clare, on 8 September 1921. Her novitiate was cut short by illness and she took her vows on 13 September 1922, some days before she died on 22 September 1922 at the age of

23. She was interred in the cemetery attached to the Convent of Mercy, KIlrush, Co. Clare. (RSM SC, AB 20/4/16)

Curtin, Sr Ellen Gonzaga (1857-1929) RSM

Ellen Curtin, daughter of John and Catherine Curtin, was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 15 February 1857. She joined the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at the convent of Mercy, Abbeyfeale, on 25 March 1876. When receiving the religious habit on 1 October 1876, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary Gonzaga. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 4 October 1878. She spent all her life in the Convent of Mercy, Abbeyfeale, where she died 26 March 1926. She was interred in the cemetery attached to the convent grounds. (RSM SC, AB 24/8/15)

Curtin, Sr Ellen Holy Infancy (1853-1934) RGS

Ellen Curtin, daughter of Laurence Curtin and Johanna Leahy, was born in Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, on 1 January 1853. She joined the Sisters of Good Shepherd (RSG) in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, in January 1880. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Holy Infancy. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She spent her entire life in Australia, dying at Abbotsford, Victoria, on 27 June 1934. She was buried in Abbotsford, Vic. She was a sister of Sr Hannah Celestine Curtin (qv) (INSCCA 1838-1918)

Curtin, Sr Ellen Peter (c1881-1913) RSM

Ellen (Ellie) Curtin, daughter of John and Ellen Curtin, was born in Ballycummane, Tournafulla, Co. Limerick, about 1881. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Templemore, Co. Offaly, on 21 June 1900. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary Peter. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 29 June 1903. Her health deteriorated significantly, however, during the following years and she died on 12 March 1913. She was interred in the cemetery attached to the Convent of Mercy, Tullamore, Co. Offaly. (RSM SC, AB 28/4/16)

Curtin, Sr Hannah Celestine (1862-1934) RGS

Ellen Curtin, daughter of Laurence Curtin and Johanna Leahy, was born in Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, on 13 August 1862. She joined the Sisters of Good Shepherd (RSG) in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, on 1 January 1883. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Celestine. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She spent her entire life in Australia, dying at Abbotsford, Victoria, on 28 September 1934. She was buried in Abbotsford, Vic. She was a sister of Sr Ellen Holy Infancy Curtin (qv) (INSCCA 1838-1918)

Curtin, Sr Hannah Dominic (1866-1958) RSM

Hannah Curtin, daughter of Thomas and Catherine Curtin, was born in Tournafulla, Co. Limerick, on 30 April 1866. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Abbeyfeale on 2 October 1887. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Dominic. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 15 April 1890. She

spent all her life in Abbeyfeale, dying there on 30 December 1958. She was interred in the cemetery attached to the Convent of Mercy, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. (RSM SC, AB 20/4/16)

Curtin, Sr Hanora Camillus (1855-1922) RGS

Hanora Curtin, daughter of Laurence Curtin and his wife, Johanna O’Brien, was born in Barna, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, in 1855. She entered the Sisters of Good Shepherd (RGS), Limerick. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Camillus. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in 1878. She spent her life in the caring profession. She died in the Good Shepherd Convent, Limerick, in 1922, and was interred in Limerick. (RGS, NG, 5/8/16)

Curtin, Sr Honora Augustine (1855-1929) RSM

Honora Curtin, daughter of John and Catherine Curtin, was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 24 June 1855. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at St Mary’s Convent, Bishop Street, Limerick, on 11 October 1877. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Augustine. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 27 May 1880. She spent the remainder of her life in the convent in Bishop Street, dying there on 12 January 1929. She was interred in the cemetery attached to St Mary’s Convent, Limerick. She was a sister of Sr Anne De Pazzi Curtin (qv) and of Sr Catherine Joseph Curtin (qv). (RSM SC, AB 20/4/16)

Curtin, Sr Joan (1929-77) FCJ

Joan Curtin, daughter of Denis and Bridget Curtin, was born in Gurrane, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, on 7 March 1929. She joined the Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ) on 2 February 1949. She received the religious habit on 29 July 1949. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in July 1951. She qualified as a teacher and taught in FCJ schools. She died on 9 December 1977. (FCJ MP, 5/11/15)

Curtin, Sr Johanna Brendan (1864-1911) RSM

Johanna Curtin, daughter of John Curtin and his wife, Catherine Leahy, was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 28 March 1864. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Mount St Michael’s, Cobh, Co. Cork, receiving

the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Sister Mary Brendan, in 1882. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in July 1884. She was then transferred to the Convent of Mercy, Mallow, Co. Cork, where she spent the rest of her life teaching. She died in Mallow on 7 February 1911. She was interred in the cemetery attached to the Convent of Mercy, Mallow, Co. Cork (RSM SP, DL 20/6/14)

Curtin, Sr Johanna Mount Carmel (1835-88) RGS

Johanna Curtin, daughter of Daniel Curtin and his wife, Ellen Nolan, was born in Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, on 31 October 1835. She entered the Sisters of Good Shepherd (RGS) at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, on 1 May 1857. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mount Carmel. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She spent all her life in Australia, dying at Abbotsford, Vic., on 17 April 1888. She was an aunt of Srs Ellen Curtin (qv) and Hannah Curtin (qv). (INSCCA 1838-1918)

Curtin, Sr Kathleen Peter (1892-1982) RSM

Kathleen Curtin, daughter of John and Kate Curtin, was born in Monavilla, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 18 February 1892. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) at Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford, on 28 October 1917. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Peter, by which she was subsequently generally known. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 24 April 1920. She spent her entire life in the convent in Kilmacthomas, where she also died on 8 March 1982, at the age of 90 years. She was buried in the cemetery attached to the Convent of Mercy, Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford. (RSM SP, DL 20/6/14)

Curtin, Sr Mary Magdalen (1853-93) RSM

Mary Curtin, daughter of John and Catherine Curtin, was born in Tournafulla, Co. Limerick, in 1853. She entered the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) in Abbeyfeale on 2 February 1877. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Magdalen. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 22 September 1879. She lived and worked in Abbeyfeale until her death on 30 January 1893. She was interred in the cemetery attached to the Convent of Mercy, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. (RSM SC, AB 20/4/16)

Curtin, Sr Sheila Borgia (1923-2012) RSM

Sheila Curtin, daughter of Patrick Curtin and his wife, Bridget O’Connor, was born in Meenahela, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 20 February 1923. On 24 September 1943, she entered the Convent of Mercy (RSM), St Maries of the Isle, Cork. She received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Sister Borgia, in March 1944. Two years later, she made her religious profession on 26 March 1946 and then qualified as a nurse at the Mercy Hospital, Cork. She held the post of Ward Sister and then Tutor in St Finbarr’s Hospital, Cork. In 1964, she went to Kenya and worked in the War Memorial Hospital, Eldoret. After some years there, she was recalled to Cork to take up a post as Matron of the South Infirmary Hospital, Cork. She was superior at the Mercy Hospital, Cork, and at St Columba’s Convent, Bishopstown, Cork. She died unexpectedly at St Maries of the Isle on 20 April 2012. She was buried in St James’ Cemetery, Chetwynd, Cork. She was a sister of Srs Mary Johanna Curtin C&P (qv) and Esther Johanna Curtin C&P (qv) (RSM SP, DL 20/6/14)

Cussen, Sr Florence Joseph (1910-88) SJC

Florence Cussen, daughter of Dr Michael Cussen and his wife, Mary Theresa Condon, was born in Pallaskenry, Co. Limerick, on 10 July, 1910. She entered the Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny (SJC), Mount Sackville, Dublin, in September, 1928, taking Sister Joseph, as her religious name. On completion of her novitiate, she took her vows on 30 March, 1931. The same year, she volunteered for the West Indies and taught in Port of Spain, Trinidad; San Fernando, Trinidad; Kingston, St Vincent; St George’s, Grenada. In 1971, she returned to Ireland and was appointed Superior of the Cluny community and Rest Home in Woodlock, Portlaw, Co. Waterford, and subsequently at St Joseph’s Convent, Ferbane, Co. Offaly. In 1976, she retired to St Joseph’s Convent, Killiney, Co. Dublin. She died at Mount Sackville Convent, Dublin, on 17 June 1988, and was buried in the community cemetery attached to the convent. (SJC 2009)

Cussen, Sr Ita (1920-2004) SCJM

Ita Cussen was born in Moanrue, Feohanagh, Co. Limerick, in 1920. She entered the Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary (SCJM) and was sent to Ghent to do her novitiate training. She received the religious habit in March 1937, and, on completion of her novitiate, she made profession of

vows on 23 March 1938. She then travelled to England where she worked with handicapped children. In July 1956, she was transferred to Ireland, where she worked with mentally handicapped children in St Mary’s, Delvin, Co. Westmeath. She spent her later years in Moore Abbey, Monasterevan, where she died on 2 May 2004. Her remains were interred in the cemetery at Moore Abbey, Co. Kildare. (Ftbttb, 200-201)

Cussen, Sr Margaret (1936-2005) DMJ

Margaret Cussen, daughter of Laurence Cussen and his wife, Anne Stokes, was born in Broadford, Co. Limerick, on 31 May 1936. She entered the Daughters of Mary and Joseph (DMJ) on 7 October 1961. She received the religious habit on 6 August 1962 and, on completion of her novitiate, made profession of vows on 15 August 1964. After some time in parish and retreat ministry, she was appointed to the formation team. Subsequently, she was appointed Provincial superior of her congregation in the Anglo- Irish province. Her ministry included periods in Surrey (UK), Kent (UK) California (US), Texas (US) and Missouri (US). She retired to Ireland and died on 14 May 2005. She was buried in Ireland. (DMJ, JR 12/04/16)

Dalton, Sr Elizabeth Francis (1882-1949) SCSP

Elizabeth Dalton, daughter of John Dalton, and his wife, Hanora Lynch, was born in Carrigkerry, Co. Limerick, on 17 January 1882. On 22 August 1904, she joined the Sisters of Charity of St Paul (SCSP) in Selly Park, Birmingham, UK. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Francis Benedict. Following her religious profession, she trained as a teacher at Selly Park Teacher Training College. After qualification, she taught in Bradford, Yorks., and Garstang, Lancs., where she spent most of her religious life. She died in Garstang, Wyre, Lancs., on 9 June 1949, at the age of 68 years. She was a sister of Sr Hanora Benignus Dalton (qv) and of Sr Mary Francis Dalton (qv) (SCSP, AC, 2015)

Dalton, Sr Hanora Benignus (1874-1953) SNJM

Hanora Dalton, daughter of John Dalton and his wife, Hanora Lynch, was born in Carrigkerry, Co. Limerick, on 21 September 1874. On 10 February 1901, she entered the novitiate of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) in Oakland, CA. When receiving the religious

habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary Benignus. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in 1908. She was assigned work in the community laundry. On 5 September 1906, she had a horrific accident, when both her arms became caught in the ‘mangler’. Both arms were so badly injured that they had to be amputated. On 25 August 1915, the past pupils of the school, where she worked, presented her with two prosthetic arms, to which she gradually adapted. She died on 4 March 1953, aged 75. She had lived without arms for 47 years. She was a sister of Sr Elizabeth Francis (qv) and Sr Mary Benedict Dalton (qv). (Annals SNJM, per J Upton, 9/1/15)

Dalton, Sr Mary Benedict (1911-95) SCSP

Mary Brigid Dalton, daughter of William Dalton and his wife, Mary Ahern, was born in Carrigkerry, Co. Limerick, on 14 February 1911. She entered the Sisters of Charity of St Paul (SCSP) at Selly Park, Birmingham, UK, on 25 September 1928. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary Benedict Francis. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 5 May 1930. She then qualified as a teacher at Selly Park Teacher Training College. She taught at St Chad’s, Birmingham, and at Southport, Liverpool. From 1987 to 1991, she worked with the Bishop of Birmingham. She died on 30 July 1995 and was buried in the cemetery attached to Selly Park Convent, Birmingham, UK. (SCSP AC, 2015)

Dalton, Sr Mary Francis (1891-1958) SCSP

Mary Dalton, daughter of John Dalton and his wife, Hanora Lynch, was born in Carrigkerry, Co. Limerick, on 26 October 1891. On 24 March 1910, she joined the Sisters of Charity of St Paul (SCSP) in Selly Park, Birmingham, UK. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new name, Sister Mary Francis of the Five Wounds. After making her religious profession, she attended Selly Park Teacher Training College, where she qualified as a teacher in 1914. She then taught in various schools in England (Stockton-on-Tees; Brownedge, Preston, Lancs.; Boston Spa, Leeds, Lancs.) and Musselburge, Galashiels, Scotland. She died in Brownedge, Lancs., on 2 February 1958 and was buried in the Catholic cemetery nearby. She was a sister of Srs Elizabeth Francis (qv) and Sr Hanora Francis Dalton (qv). (SCSP, AC 2015)

Daly, Rev Cornelius (1904-53) CSSp

Cornelius Daly was born in Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 17 December 1904. He joined the Spiritan (CSSp) congregation in 1922 and, after completing his novitiate, he made profession of vows in Kimmage Manor, Dublin, in 1923. He was ordained priest in 1931, after which he was appointed to teach at Blackrock College. Subsequently, he held the posts of Dean of Studies at Rockwell and Blackrock Colleges. In 1952, he was diagnosed with what was then an incurable disease and he was moved to Linden Convalescent Home, Blackrock, where he died on 15 July 1953, at the early age of 48 years. He was interred in the cemetery at Kimmage Manor, Dublin 12. (Farragher, ISR, 96)

Daly, Rev Daniel (1909-2005) SMA

Daniel Daly was born in Cahirhayes, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 28 December 1909. He was educated at St Joseph’s SMA College, Wilton, Cork. He joined the Society of African Missionaries (SMA), making his final profession in 1937. He completed his clerical studies and was ordained priest in Newry on 19 December 1937. In 1938, he was assigned as a missionary to Lagos, Nigeria. He ministered there for 31 years, but, owing to ill-health, had to retire to Ireland in 1969. When his health improved, he engaged in promotion work for his congregation in Cork. In his later years, he wa cared for at St Theresa’s Nursing Home, SMA Community, Blackrock, Cork. He died in Cork on 12 July 2005, aged 95 years. He was buried in the cemetery attached to SMA church, Wilton, Cork. (SMA, Cork 21/09/2014)

Daly, Rev Richard (1897-1978) CSSp

Richard Daly was born in Broadford, Co. Limerick, on 19 June 1897. He entered the Spiritan (CSSp) novitiate in Kimmage Manor, Dublin, and was professed in 1915. Ordained priest in 1925, he was appointed to Nigeria where he was to serve for the next forty years in various capacities. He was a professor at Igbariam (1926-28) and at St. Charles Training College, Onitsha Town (1928-32). He became Secretary for Catholic Schools in 1935 and, in 1937, he moved to Onitsha where, later, he was to become Chancellor of the Archdiocese. In his later years, he returned to Ireland and died in 1978, aged 81. He was buried in Kimmage Manor, Dublin 12. (Farragher, ISR, 98)

Daly, Sr Bridget Paula (1893-1913) HFB

Bridget Daly was born in Farrihy, Broadford, Co. Limerick, on 1 April 1893. She entered the Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux (HFB) at Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, UK, on 10 April 1912. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Frances of Paula. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. In 1920, she volunteered for the South African mission and joined her HFB colleagues there. She continued to work there for several years. She died on 13 September 1913. (HFB CM, 4/12/14)

Danaher, Rev John Joseph (1927-2008) Birmingham

John Joseph (Sean) Danaher was born in Church Street, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 15 September 1927. He was educated at Oscott Seminary, Birmingham, where he was ordained priest for the archdiocese of Birmingham on 5 June 1955. Following ordination, he served in the following parishes: St Austin’s, Stafford (1955-57); Old Hill (1957-61); King’s Heath (1961-67); Caversham (1967-68); Atherstone (1968-71);

Stockport (1971-76); Northfield (1976-85) and St Mary’s Coventry (1985- 95) He retired in 1995 and died on 3 October 2008. (Bham Arch, Sharp, 30/x/14)

Danaher, Rev Joseph (1882-1950) OMI

Joseph Danaher was born at Shanagolden, Co. Limerick, on 19 December 1882. He became an Oblate (OMI) novice at Belmont House, Stillorgan, Dublin, on 28 August 1903. He made his first vows in September 1904 and was ordained priest in Rome on 10 April 1909. In 1911, he was appointed professor at the nascent Scholasticate in Belmont House, Stillorgan, Dublin, and later, Novice-Master. He was appointed Provincial in 1930 and 4th Assistant-General in 1932. After a brief period teaching at Daingean, he came back to Belmont House as superior of the scholasticate, and remained in that post until 1946. He then retired to the novitiate at Cahirmoyle. He died in Dublin on 2 November 1950 and was buried in the Oblate cemetery at Inchicore, Dublin 8. He was an uncle of Rev Philip Danaher OMI (qv) (OMI, 11/8/14)

Danaher, Rev Philip (1899-1982) OMI

Philip Danaher, son of James Danaher and his wife, and Brigid Sheehy Danaher, was born on 6 May 1899 at Loghill, Co. Limerick. He became an Oblate (OMI) novice at Belmont House, Stillorgan, Dublin, on 28 September 1917, making his first vows on 29 September 1918. He attended the National University of Ireland and studied at Belmont House, Dublin. He was ordained priest in the Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, on 14 June 1924. He taught at the Juniorate at Belcamp Hall, Raheny, Dublin, from 1925 to 1930 and then served on a retreat team. In 1932, he was appointed Provincial Treasurer, after which he served in parish ministry in the UK for several years. He died at Cahirmoyle on 26 February 1982. He was buried in the Oblate cemetery at Inchicore, Dublin 8. He was a nephew of Rev Joseph Danaher OMI (qv). (OMI, 11/8/14)

Danaher, Rev Sean (1917-85) Westminster

Sean Danaher was born in Church Street, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 26 April 1917. He studied for the priesthood and was ordained priest in 1943. He ministered in the United Kingdom and died in Islington, London EC1, on 15 July 1985. He was buried in the UK. (LDS Family Search)

Danaher, Rev Stephen (1839-1918) Limerick

Stephen Danaher was born in Athea, Co. Limerick, on 8 September 1839. He was ordained priest for the diocese of Limerick in November 1866. Following ordination, he was curate, successively, in Fedamore (1866- 67); Loughill (1867-69); Croagh (1869-74); Athea (1874-77) Ardpatrick (1877-78) and Shanagolden (1878-85). In 1885, he was appointed Parish Priest of Colmanswell and, two years later, he was transferred to Croagh in the same capacity. In 1892, He was appointed Parish Priest of Loughill, where he remained until his death on 16 October 1917. He was buried in the church grounds, Ballyhahill, Co. Limerick. (Tobin, 2004, 28-29)

Danaher, Rev Timothy (1931-2003) St Augustine

Timothy Leo Danaher was born in Knocknaboula, Shanagolden, Co. Limerick, on 11 October 1931. He studied for the priesthood at St Kieran’s College, Kilkenny, where he was ordained for the diocese of St Augustine, North Florida, on 5 June 1955. His first appointment was to the post Assistant Priest in Fort Lauderdale. Subsequently, he became Pastor,

successively, in Arlington, Tallahassie, Perry, Ponte Verde Beach and SS Peter and Paul’s, Miami. He received the title of Monsignor from Pope Paul VI in 1967 and retired in 1999. He died in Jacksonville on 25 November 2003, and was buried in Riverside Park Memorial Cemetery, Florida. He was a brother of Rev Mgr Mortimer Danhaher, also of the diocese of St Augustine, FL. (Florida Times, 27/7/03; http://, ret. 22/7/14)

Danaher, Rev William (1898-1975) CSSp

William Danaher, son of Stephen Danaher and his wife, Marie Hurley, was born in Shanagolden, Co. Limerick, on 9 August 1898. He joined the Spiritan (CSSp) Congregation, taking vows in 1918. He completed his clerical studies at Blackrock Castle, Dublin, and was ordained priest in 1926. In 1927, he joined the Spiritan mission in Kenya. He served in Kilimanjaro Vicariate and was Director of St Patrick’s School for Catechists, Singa-Chini, Moshi. Subsequently, he was on the staff of the Catholic Seminary, Nairobi. He died suddenly in Nairobi on 25 July 1975 and was buried in that city. (Farragher, ISR, 98)

Danaher, Sr Mary Fidelma (1918-2007) PBVM

Mary Danaher was born in Athea, Co. Limerick, in March 1918. She joined the Presentation Sisters (PBVM) in 1936. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Fidelma. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in 1939. She qualified as a teacher at Carysfort Coillege, Dublin, after which she taught at Primary and Secondary level. She served in Carlow, Bagenalstown and Kilcock. After retirement, she served in the St Vincent De Paul Society and in St Lazerian’s House. She spent her last years in Shalom Nursing Home, Kilcock, Co. Dublin, where she died on 26 June 2009. She was interred in the cemetery of the Assumption, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow. She was a sister of Sr Carmel Danaher PBVM. (BPN July 2009)

Davis, Sr Catherine Concepta (1893-1989) SJA

Catherine Davis, daughter of Thomas Davis and his wife, Hannah Barry, was born in Kilcoorha, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 3 April 1893. She joined the Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparitions (SJA) at Alderley Edge, UK, in September 1944. When receiving the religious habit, she also received

a new religious name, Sister Concepta. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in 1946. Her first mission was to Jerusalem in 1946. She returned to England in 1951 and worked at St Joseph’s Hospital, Manchester, until her transfer to Sligo in 1977. She spent most of her religious life doing office work. She died in Sligo on 26 January 1989 and was buried in that city. She was a sister of Srs Josie (qv) and Mary Ursula Davis (qv). (SJA 2015)

Davis, Sr Mary Ursula (1925-72) RSM

Mary Christine Davis, daughter of Thomas Davis and his wife, Hannah Barry, was born in Kilcoorha, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 24 December 1925. She joined the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) in Abingdon, Oxon., England, on 21 November 1954. When receiving her religious habit on 12 November 1955, she also received a new religious name, Sister Mary Ursula. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 16 November 1957. She died on 3 October 1972 and was buried in Abingdon, Oxon., UK. She was a sister of Srs Josie (qv) and Catherine Concepta Davis (qv). (RSM UK, CC 11/12/14)

Dee, Sr Helena (1919-2012) LCM

Helena Dee, daughter of Michael Dee and his wife, Helena Ranahan, was born in Ballycannon, Croagh, Co. Limerick, on 3 December 1919. She entered the Little Company of Mary (LCM) congregation, Limerick, on 8 September 1943. She received the religious habit on 28 April 1944 and, on completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 27 April 1950. She qualified as a nurse and worked in several LCM hospitals, including Dublin, Galway and Tonga. She died on 24 January 2012 and was buried in Dublin. (LCM KC 4/9/14)

Dempsey, Rev Joseph (1940-2014) Limerick

Cornelius Joseph Dempsey, was born in North Quay, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, on 31 August 1940. He studied for the priesthood at St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, where he was ordained priest for the diocese of Limerick on 20 June 1965. He was then appointed curate, successively, in Ballinaccurrra Weston and Monaleen before his nomination as army chaplain at Sarsfield Barrack’s, Limerick. Other appointments included

Raheen, Crecora and Mungret before his appointment as Parish Priest of Rathkeale (1988-2012). He died on 4 October 2014 and was buried in the church grounds, Rathkeale, Co. Limerick. (JD, 4/12/15)

Dempsey, Sr Ellen Eithne (1934-2009) FCJ

Ellen Dempsey, daughter of Cornelius Dempsey and his wife, Josephine Nash, was born in Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, on 10 May 1934. In 1953, she joined the Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ) at Broadstairs, Kent, UK, on 28 January 1953. She received the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Sister Eithne, on 28 July 1953. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in 1956, with final vows on 26 July 1961. She then qualified as a teacher in Manchester, before her return to Ireland to study at the National University of Ireland (UCD), where she obtained a BA degree. She then went back to England and taught for several years in the FCJ school at Ware, Herts. Other appointments included Manchester and Jersey. She died on 30 April 2009. She was a sister of Sr Regina Dempsey FCJ (qv). (FCJ SP 5/11/15)

Dempsey, Sr Mary Regina (1931-2013) FCJ

Mary Catherine Dempsey, daughter of Cornelius Dempsey and his wife, Josephine Nash, was born in Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, on 7 May 1931. In 1951 she joined the Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ) at Broadstairs, Kent, UK. She received the religious habit on 28 June 1951, together with a new religious name, Sister Regina. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows in 1953. She qualified as a teacher in Manchester and then took a science degree at UCD. She taught in FCJ schools, including Laurel Hill, Limerick. She died on 12 June 2013. She was a sister of Sr Eithne Dempsey FCJ (qv). (FCJ SP, 5/11/15)

Dillon, Sr Bridget Gregory (1917-2002) OLA

Bridget Dillon was born in Knockbrack, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 15 March, 1917. She entered the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Apostles (OLA) at Ardfoyle Convent, Cork, in 1934. When receiving the religious habit, she received a new religious name, Sister Gregory. On completion of her novitiate, she made profession of vows and then entered Digby Stewart College of Education, London, where she qualified as a teacher. On completion of her teacher training course, she was sent

to Nigeria in 1939. She gradually built up a Catholic education system, starting with a primary school and ending with a Teacher Training College. In 1956, she was appointed Provincial Secretary at Ardfoyle, Cork. She subsequently returned to Nigeria, where she continued to strengthen and expand the Catholic education system for girls. In 1988, after almost 50 years in Africa, she returned to Ardfoyle. She was awarded the Frederick Ozanam medal for her work with the St Vincent de Paul Society. She died in Ardfoyle, Cork, on 28 December 2005, and was buried in the cemetery in the convent grounds. (OLA 5/6/14)

Dillon, Sr Ellen Bernadette (c1928-2006) HFB

Ellen Patricia Dillon was born in Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, about 1928. She entered the Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux (HFB) at Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, UK, on 13 June 1946. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Bernadette. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She seems to have spent the remainder of her life in the UK, teaching in different schools of her congregation. She died on 20 August 2006 and was buried in the UK. (HFB CM, 4/12/14)

Dillon, Sr Mary Anthony (1929-79) HFB

Mary Dillon was born in Ballingarry, Co. Limerick, on 7 February 1929. She entered the Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux (HFB) at Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, UK, on 13 June 1946. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Anthony. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows. She seems to have spent the remainder of her life in the UK, teaching in different schools of her congregation. She died on 1 August 1979 and was buried in the UK. (HFB CM, 4/12/14)

Donovan, Br Daniel Cuthbert (1934-2010) FPM

Daniel Donovan was born in Ballinruane, Kilmeedy, Co. Limerick, on 2 February 1934. In 1950, he joined the Presentation Brothers, receiving the religious habit, together with a new religious name, Brother Cuthbert, on 12 August 1950. The following year, he went to England, where he qualified as a teacher at St Mary’s College, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham. He then taught in several Presentation schools in the UK, including Wymondley,

Reading and Dartford. He spent his later years in Reading, where he was superior. His health significantly deteriorated following a stroke. He died at Parkside Nursing Home, Reading, on 23 February 2010, at the age of 76 years. His remains were returned to Ireland and he was interred in the cemetery attached to Mount St Joseph, Blarney Street, Cork. (Feheney, 2013, 74)

Doody, Br Edmund Medard (1907-55) CFC

Edmund Doody, son of Jeremiah Doody and his wife, Mary Flanagan, was born in Monagea, Co. Limerick, on 10 December 1907. He joined the Christian Brothers (CFC) in Dublin in 1923. When he received the religious habit on 5 October 1924, he also received a new religious name, Brother Medard. He qualified as a teacher and obtained a degree at the National University of Ireland (UCG). He taught in Dublin, Cork, and Nenagh, where he was superior and principal. He was renowned as a hurling coach, being associated for many years with the Tipperary Minor team. He died unexpectedly following brain surgery on 17 December 1955. He was a brother of Rev Jeremiah Doody CSSp (qv) and Rev Michael Doody CSSp (qv). (CFC Necrologies)

Doody, Rev Jeremiah (1909-78) CSSp

Jeremiah (Jerome) Doody, son of Jeremiah Doody and his wife, Mary Flanagan, was born in Monagea, Co. Limerick, on 1 September 1909. He joined the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (CSSp) and, on completion of his clerical studies, he was ordained priest in 1936. He then joined the Spiritan mission in Kenya, where he worked in Nairobi and Kagwe Mission. While home on holidays, he died suddenly on 27 August 1978 and was interred in Rockwell, Co. Tipperary, beside his brother Michael CSSp (qv). He was also a brother of Br EM Doody CFC (qv). (Farragher, ISR, 115)

Doody, Rev John (1850-84) Limerick

John Doody, son of Jerry Doody and his wife, Mary O’Brien, was born in Ardagh, Co. Limerick, He was educated at St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, and the Irish College, Paris. He was ordained at the Presentation Convent, Limerick, on 25 July, 1874. After ordination, he was appointed curate, successively, in Banogue (1874-75), Askeaton/ Ballysteen (1875),

St Patrick’s (temporary, 1875); Parteen (1875-80) and St John’s (1880- 84). While in Limerick City, he also served as chaplain at the Presentation Convent (1880-82) and the Good Shepherd Convent (1882-84). He died on 27 July 1884, at the early age of 34 years. (Tobin, 2004, 30)

Doody, Rev Michael (1904-82) Limerick

Michael Doody, son of Jeremiah Doody and his wife, Mary Flanagan, was born in Ahawilk, Feohanagh, Co. Limerick, in 1904. He was educated St Patrick’s Seminary, Maynooth, where he was ordained priest in 1930. Following ordination, he ministered, successively, in Croom, Kilmallock, Athea, Banogue, and Kilfinane. He was appointed a Canon of the Limerick Cathedral Chapter. He retired in 1979 and was cared for by his niece, Sister Conleth Airey. He spent his last years in Nazareth House, Mallow, Co. Cork, where he died on 25 March 1982, aged 78 years. (ftbttb, 202)

Doody, Rev Michael (1905-33) CSSp

Michael Doody was born on 19 September 1905, in Monagea, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick. He entered the Spiritan (CSSp) congregation and, after completing his novitiate, made profession of vows in 1925. He was ordained priest in 1932. Appointed to The Gambia, he set sail for Africa in November 1933. Unfortunately, his health seriously declined and he had to return home. He re-embarked for home immediately, but the boat had to put in at Plymouth, England, because he was dying. In fact, he died of tuberculosis the next day on 21 December 1933, in Plymouth. His remains were interred at Rockwell College, Co. Tipperary. He was a brother of Rev Jeremiah Doody CSSp (qv) and Brother EM Doody CFC (qv). His brother, Jeremiah, was subsequently buried beside him. (Farragher, ISR, 115)

Doody, Sr Ellen Immaculata (1926-1962) SMG

Ellen Doody was born in Kilconlea, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 29 April 1926. She joined the Poor Servants of the Mother of God (SMG) in Roehampton, London, on 8 August 1943. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Immaculata. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 22 July 1944. She worked in Portslade and Roehampton. She died on 25 July 1962 and was buried in Portslade, Brighton, UK. She was a sister of Sr Mary St Vincent Doody SMG (qv). (SMG JO’R 6/9/15)

Doody, Sr Ellen Marcella (1885-1948) HFB

Ellen Doody, daughter of Jeremiah Patrick Doody and his wife, Mary Curtin, was born in Balliniska, Feohanagh, Co. Limerick, on 24 May 1885. She entered the Sisters of the Holy Family (HFB) on 6 June 1904. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Marcella. In 1906, she went to St Mary’s Leeds for community service. Some months later, on 2 December 1906, she made profession of vows at Rock Ferry, Birkenhead. She then studied at Leeds University, where she obtained a BA degree in 1910. She taught at Mount St Mary’s College, Leeds, from 1910 to 1943, becoming Headmistress. In 1943, she was transferred to Stockport as Superior. However, she became ill with cancer in 1948 and was transferred to the Holy Family Nursing Home in Kilburn, London, where she died on 25 December 1948. (HFB CM 4/12/14)

Doody, Sr Mary St Vincent (1922-2010) SMG

Mary Doody was born in Kiconlea, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, on 6 July 1922. She entered the Poor Servants of the Mother of God (SMG) at Roehampton, London, on 21 January 1940. When receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister St Vincent. At the end of her novitiate, she made profession of vows on 8 December 1942. She ministered in Brentford and Liverpool. She died on 23 October 2010 and was buried in Woolton, Liverpool. She was a sister of Sr Ellen Immaculata Doody SMG (qv). (SMG JO’R 6/9/15)

Doody, Sr Sheila (1939-85) FMA

Sheila Doody, daughter of Thomas Doody and his wife, Catherine Harnett, was born in Killeedy, Co. Limerick, on 14 June 1939. She entered the Salesian Sisters (FMA) in Fernbank, Limerick, on 24 August 1954. On completion of her novitiate training, she made profession of vows at the Salesian Convent, Henley-on-Thames, UK, on 5 August 1959. She taught at second level and specialised in teaching art. Her assignments included Salesian Convent School, Brosna; Salesian Convent School Cahercon and Salesian Convent School, Fernbank, Limerick. From 1973 until her death in 1985, she was a member of staff of the special school for girls, Dun Ide, in Caherdavon, Limerick. She died at the Milford Hospice, Limerick, on

31 May 1985, and was buried in the Salesian Sisters burial plot, St Oliver’s cemetery, Limerick. She was a sister of Sr Bridget Doody FMA (qv) (JM 2015)

Dooley, Sr Mary Giovanni (1933-62) PBVM

Mary Dooley was born in Ballyine, Carrigkerry, Co. Limerick, in 1933. She joined the Presentation Sisters (PBVM) and, when receiving the religious habit, she also received a new religious name, Sister Giovanni. She attended Mary Immaculate College of Education, Limerick, and qualified as a teacher. She taught at Lixnaw National School. She died on 29 January 1962, at the age of 47 years. (TA, 125, 47)

Dore, Rev John (1918-86) OMI

John Thomas Dore, son of John Dore and his wife, Catherine Cribbin, was born in Shanagolden, Co. Limerick, on 1 June 1918. He entered the Oblate (OMI) novitiate at Cahirmoyle, Co. Limerick, on 14 September 1936. He took his first vows there on 15 September 1937. He was ordained priest in Piltown parish church, Co. Kilkenny, on 29 June 1942. In 1947, he joined the mission staff at the House of Retreat, Inchicore, Dublin 8. He preached missions in South Africa from 1956 to 1958 and returned to the House of Retreat, Inchicore, where he served until 1960. He then went as parish priest to Sacred Heart church, Kilburn, London. In 1969, he was appointed provincial of the province. On completion of his term in 1976, he went to St. Matthew parish, Jersey, Channel Islands, remaining there until 1980, when he went to the missions in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada. He died at Prince George on 29 June 1986 and was buried in the Oblate cemetery at Inchicore, Dublin 8. (OMI, 8/14)

Dore, Rev Patrick Bernardine (1874-1921) OFM

Patrick Dore, son of Patrick Dore and his wife, Johanna Mullane, was born at Camus, Killeedy, Co. Limerick, in 1874. In 1893, he entered the Franciscan (OFM) Novitiate at St Isidore’s College, Rome. When he received the religious habit, he also received a new religious name, Brother Bernardine. He completed his clerical studies and was ordained priest in Rome on 11 August 1901. He exercised his ministry in Italy for about twenty years. He then returned to Ireland and